Friday, September 30, 2011

Happy Homecoming!

This weekend is Homecoming for the high school.  Today was the "big" parade.  It was Hannah's first time marching with her middle school band.  Go Hannah!


Monday, September 26, 2011

A Bunch Of Lil' Pumpkins

Not too bad for some seed we just threw in the ground and watched grow.  We got a whole coaster wagon full of these little pumpkins.  They'll be cute as decorations.  They'll also make for yummy bread.  Ummmmm!  Pumpkin bread.....our favorite!!!


Sunday, September 25, 2011

F.I.L. 7th Grade Girls Volleyball Tournament

Thursday through Saturday Hannah and her 7th grade volleyball team played in the F.I.L. tournament.  We ended up taking 4th place (out of 8 teams).  Way to go girls!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New Car

Gas prices tend to consume a good portion of one's  weekly "take home" pay.  It was a good deal that didn't need a second thought!

All it needed was a little "tweeking" and Jack has himself a "new" car for driving to and from work!  It doesn't have all of it's gears (sometimes it does--bonus!), reverse sometimes needs a "push", and I guess you could say it has a few little "dings", but other than that she is a real beauty and runs like a champ!

Sure can't beat this sort of math! 

325 miles driven to and from work a week costing $140.00 in gas driving the truck
      325 miles driven to and from work a week costing $40.00 in gas driving the "new" car
a good deal!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Oh The Pretty Music!

Finding out what our new puppy can do besides chewing toes, ankles, and chasing chickens.  Today Jack-jack found out she (the puppy) can sing!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Up North Weekend

We spent our Labor Day weekend up north with the family and celebrating Uncle Jeff's birthday.  It definitely was a great time.  We totally enjoyed ourselves!
Hannah and Courtney going to town with the 4 wheeler.  We needed chocolate chips for the pancakes Uncle Rick made us for breakfast!
Thank you Uncle Rick for letting us stay with you!!!
Spending time with Cousin Courtney.
The kids with Uncle Jeff and his "new" truck--his birthday surprise.


Happy Birthday Uncle Jeff!

Playing with Puppies at Uncle Rick's house.

Funny how we ended up having and extra passenger in the car on our way home.  We ended up bringing one of those cute little critters home with us.
Meet Buttercup.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Hannah, Chey, and Jack-jack's little farm.  Some pictures of the animals around the Krell house.

Stinkey the pig (the big one on the left).
The little pigs.
Chey giving Dexter a treat.
Mindy our other goat.
The animals roam freely.  I guess you could say this place gives "free range" a whole new meaning.
Our chickens.
Jack-jack with "Little Bert".
Some of the cows.
And a pretty butterfly.


Thursday, September 1, 2011

First Day Of School

We have our first day of school under our belts.  Mixed feelings as the kids left the house this morning, but all were anxious to meet their teachers, see all of their friends, and start the new year.

The day went well for all.  Nobody got lost and all made it to their classrooms on time.  Cheyenne, being a big 5th grader, took upon the duty of making sure little brother found his way.  It was one of those days that little brother was glad he has big sister there at his side.  Hannah of course was ready to go.  It really is hard to believe another school year is in session.  It is even harder to believe how quickly these years go by!

Cheyenne our 5th grader.
Jack-jack our 2nd grader.
Hannah our 7th grader.
And there off!
Along with today being the first day of school for everyone, the girls had their first volleyball games.  The girls did great.  Even though both Chey and Hannah walked away with a loss, it still was very exciting!  It sure was a big day!

Way to go!