Sunday, October 30, 2011

Trick or Treat!

Last night was pumpkin carving.

Today was Trick or Treating in town.

Hannah dressed up as a gold fish, Cheyenne as a Christmas tree, and Jack-jack...a scarey zombie skeleton.

Happy Halloween to you!

Monday, October 17, 2011

The wind put a bit of a chill in the air, but it was a weekend to enjoy.

Saturday we spent our day on a farm in Jefferson learning about land preservation/conservation.  Had a farm tour with wagons pulled by tractors and horses.  Cheyenne was in heaven!

Jack-jack found himself a wood turner who made bowls and other crafts.  The most exciting were the little tops Jack-jack saw he made.  The nice man made Jack-jack his very own.  Jack even got to decorate it with color as it spun on the machine.

Sunday night we played a family game of marbles.  Yes, the game is supposed to be played inside a circle, but when you make the circle out of duct tape, inside a "snug" living room, with lots of help, a circle doesn't always look like a circle.  Crooked circle or not, we had fun learning a "new" game.  That's all that really matters!