Thursday, December 29, 2011


Winter break just isn't complete without some sort of snow and sledding.  Since we don't have any snow around here I felt it was our duty to find us some.  We packed up yesterday and headed to the ski hill nearby to do some tubing.  First time any of us have ever done it.  Had a blast!

We're ready to go!
Going up!  Now a days you don't even have to walk up the hill!?!
They were making snow while we were there.  Jack-jack is not liking getting the wet snow blowed on him as he and his friend wait for their turn to go down the hill.
Cheyenne's first run.  Asked her how she liked it.  "Awesome!" was the response.
Hannah "chilling" in her tube.

Monday, December 26, 2011

The Day After Christmas

The day after Christmas marks the winding down of all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season (for us).  This morning we got to sleep in and do a little bit of lounging and relaxing.  I asked what we should do today, but apparently when the video games are turned on, all ears are turned off!?!  Therefore, I got no response and am assuming we are set doing exactly this for the day.


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Hard to believe that Christmas 2011 is here already!  Where does the time go!?!  I guess I haven't been as faithful at keeping up our blog as I would've liked to have been.  Seems as though I am behind on a lot of things.  But hey....such is life, I do enjoy, and would not have it any other way!

Here's a little recap of our celebrations and doings throughout the holiday season.  The month started off with Jack-jack and Chey's Christmas concert at the elementary school (Kindergarten through 5th grade).

This is the 2nd grade.  Jack-jack is in the back row (6th one over from the left hand side).  You can just see the top of his head.
Chey patiently waiting until it is the 5th grades turn to sing.

The kids also participated in a gingerbread house decorating activity with Auntie Sara.  It was at the local coffee shop.  They decorated as they enjoyed hot cocoa.  The final product was very colorful and fun.

Of course we had to shop for our tree.  This year the kids were in charge of picking out and the trimming.  They were so proud of themselves.

The kids with their tree.
The decorated tree.  A little "tipsy" and leaning to the right, but hey....the kids worked hard, did it all themselves, and it adds character :) !

Christmas Eve Day we threw wood in the basement.  How quickly the kids work as the bribe of opening gifts from each other is their reward.

First a little work.  Then we can play.
Cheyenne sings with the children's choir at the Christmas Eve mass.  Our work and play was all wrapped up by the time we had to be at the church.  Church started at 4 p.m.  We got there at 3:00 p.m.  Seats were filled by 3:15 p.m.  The choirs sing and the bell choir plays.  Always a very pretty mass.

After mass we head to the farm for our family celebration.  Our sister in law to be had an excellent feast (thank you Crystal!).  Lots of good stuff to eat.  We played video games, exchanged gifts, and enjoyed the visit. 

The "kids" playing the wii.  Very intense.

A family picture.

Boys will always be boys!

A Krell Family snapshot.

The Krell 3.

Hannah, Jack-jack, and Chey with Papa and Grandma Gehl.

The hats were a success.  Thank you Auntie Sara!

Everybody slowing down.  Getting towards the end of the night.  Sara and Grandma chillin' on the couch while Chey gives us a cutesie little smile.

Adam and Crystal.

Papa being goofy.  Definitely getting late ;) !

Jack in the box.  I guess the saying does hold true.  You can give the kids any sort of toys, but the tend to have more fun with the box.

Christmas Eve is always a late night.  It is also a night that is hard to get to sleep.  An adrenaline rush as thoughts of what the big guy in the red suit will leave under the tree.  The kids toss and turn with excitement and anticipation.  They can't wait until morning!  Morning arrived and we have three very happy children!

The kids showing off some of their Christmas presents.
I also have to show you how excited others get around here over the kid's new toys and Christmas gifts.  Caught in action!  Someone who sneaks off into their bedroom with the little guys DS (hand held video game) to play the new game.  Guess it is obvious who the bigger kid of the family really is :) ! 

As for the afternoon of Christmas Day we head over to Great Aunt Pam and Al's house.  Kids get spoiled more, lots to eat, lots more visiting, etc.  Christmas.....always exciting for everyone!  Before you know it the "big" day will be over with and a new year will begin.  Where does the time go!?!

This is my wish for you:
peace of mind,
prosperity through the year,
happiness that multiplies,
health for you and yours,
fun around every corner,
energy to chase your dreams,
joy to fill your holidays!
-D.M. Dellinger-

Wishing you the best this holiday season
and always!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Midnight Madness

Last night Hartford had it's annual Midnight Madness.  Shops are open until midnight.  Good bargains and activities are found throughout the downtown.  For something fun to do Aunt Pam, Aunt Sara, Hannah, Cheyenne, Jack-jack, and myself went to the paint your own pottery shop.  We each picked out a project to paint.  Now we just have to wait until Tuesday to pick up our final products and see how they turned out.  Can't wait!

 Had a lot of fun!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Chey's First Basketball Game

Last night Cheyenne had her first basketball game.  She plays on the 5th grade girls team for St. Kilian's.  She has been waiting for this day to come since the first time she sat on the bleachers to cheer on her big sis.  Finally last night it was her night to shine.  She really did well for her first time on the court--guarded her player and totally went after the ball.  Wasn't afraid to take a few shots when she got the chance and even ended up making a basket!  Way to go Chey!