Monday, July 30, 2012

80 Years To Celebrate For Two.

This July Grandma and Great Great Uncle Margo turned 80 years old.  We celebrated with a party at the Erin Town Hall.


Happy Birthday Grandma!

Happy Birthday Margo!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Baby Chicks And A Little Calf

This week we got a bunch of baby chicks.  Some are yellow, some are brown, and some are black.  They are so cute when they're little fuzz balls.


This guy was an odd looking one in the bunch.  Doesn't look anything like the others.  No worries!  We are an EOE.

This past week the kids also found themselves another new little pet.  A little tiny (runt) calf born out at the farm.  It's only been here for a few days and the kids have it so spoiled!

Like I said, the kids have this calf so spoiled!

Cheyenne boils water to warm up the bottle to feed the calf morning and night.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Father And Son

The other night we had pictures at the church for the upcoming directory.  As we were walking to the car I couldn't help but to snap this great picture.


Sunday, July 15, 2012

A Little Fun

This past week one of the smallest baby calves the farm has seen was born.  Chey and Jack-jack fell in love.  It really is super cute.  It follows the kids all over and even fell asleep on Jack-jack's lap.


Saturday, July 7, 2012

A Pasture, Some Pigs, And A Man With His Beer.

Only at the Krell house can you find a man sitting in the pig's pasture enjoying a beer.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Newly Hatched

Each morning we go into the chicken coop to collect eggs from the nests.  Only on this farm can you move a chicken out of it's nest, reach for the eggs, and one's surprise.....find a nest of newly "hatched" baby kittens?!?!?  Yeup.  The mama chicken was sitting on these little baby kitties.  The mama cat no where in sight.  Talk about co-parenting!

Kittens born July 4, 2012

Here's what I found in the nest July 7, 2012.