Thursday, August 2, 2012

2012 Baseball Season Complete

It was a warm summer for baseball.  There were a couple of times games were canceled because of the heat.  All in all it was a good season and everyone walked away proud.

Jack-jack played his last game hard.  He had no hits, but made a couple of plays in the field.  Orioles walked away with one last win for the season.  Good by team Orioles!  We'll have to wait and see what team we play for next year.

Chey's mighty Rubicon team walked away with first place trophies for the league.  The girls worked and played hard.  They are so fun to watch!  It was a well done season.  Way to go girls.  I can't wait for another round next year!

We don't have a picture of Hannah from her last game because it was canceled.  Hannah's team also walked away with first place trophies for their age in the league.  They really are a great group of girls that work hard and well together.  They too are so much fun to watch!  Again, I can't wait for next season.  Way to go!

Last night Rubicon held their annual award ceremony and pot luck which is something that is a lot of fun.  The kids received their trophies and their stats.  The coaches really make it a neat experience for the kids.  They are great!  Thank you to all!!!

Cheyenne and her team.  Chey is 4th from the left in the stripped tank top.

Hannah 1st from left in back row (standing).

Family Pictures

Who knew one could get excited over getting church pictures in the mail?!?

This year we got our pictures taken for the church directory.  We went in insisting that we are not going to buy anything.  Of course it ended up we did.  Glad we did!  It probably won't be for another 5 years until we have them done again.