Friday, December 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Hannah - November 10, 2012

November 10, 2012 our "little" Hannah celebrated her 14th birthday.  It was a Saturday which was a special treat all itself because being a teenager Hannah loves doing the teenage thing--sleeping in in the mornings.  She got to do that.  In the afternoon Hartford had it's annual Christmas parade.  Hannah had to march in it with the Central band.  I wasn't able to make it, but a friend took this picture of her along the route.  After the parade the family had cake to celebrate.

Happy Birthday Hannah!!!

Hannah sportin' her new red shoes.

Happy 50th Anniversary Margo & Dotty!

November 3, 2012 Margo and Dotty celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.

November 4, 2012 we celebrated their special day with an anniversary mass at St. Kilian church.  Hannah and Cheyenne both served for the mass.

Happy Anniversary Margo and Dotty!


Jack-jacks Birthday - November 3, 2012

This year was a little bit congested with activities but did the best we could.  We had lots to celebrate!

We celebrated both Hannah and Jack-jack's birthday on November 3rd with cake, ice cream, and presents.  Kept the party small.  Papa, Grandma, Sara, Adam, and Crystal came.

November 3rd, 2012 was Jack-jack's 9th birthday.
Happy Birthday Jack-jack!!!

Jack-jack's birthday pancakes.  Not healthy, but totally fun!  It's a birthday we're celebrating!  We don't have to be healthy!  But we do have to be fun!
Totally obsessed with fire!

Another one totally obsessed with fire.  We blame Grandma for that one!
Total flashbackThe boys had fun with Rock 'em Sock 'em.

Hannah totally lovin' her new kicks!

Happy Birthday Jack-jack!  I hope you had a good day.

Happy Birthday party Hannah!  I hope you had a good day, too!

Love you both!  

Jack-jack's Birthday Celebration In School.

This year in Jack-jack's third grade class he and a classmate share their birthday.  Not only do they share the day, they also were born in the same hospital only about a half an hour apart from one another.  To top it off, I went to school with Sydney's mom.  

To celebrate we (us moms) thought it would be fun to have a extra fun birthday treat to share with the class.  We took in the fixings so the kids could build their own sundaes.  It seemed to be a hit.

Happy Birthday Jack-jack and Sydney!

The birthday boy and girl.
The table with all the goodies.
Jack-jack and Sydney's class enjoying their treat.


Halloween 2012

Carving pumpkins and making a mess.

Watch out!  Hannah's using a knife!
Cheyenne gutting her pumpkin.
Jack-jack digging right in.
Pumpkin fun.

Dressing up to got Trick or Treating.  Always have fun begging at people's doors.  Always seem to get lots and lots of candy too!

Hannah going as a gnome, Jack-jack all in black with a skull on a stick (his and dad's creation), and Cheyenne went as the tooth fairy.