Saturday, June 29, 2013

Pretty Rainbow

It has been wet and rainy.  The lawns and fields are muddy messes.  The only good thing about there being lots of rain is that we get to see quite a few rainbows in the sky.  Many of them double (rainbows).  Here is one from last night.

A double rainbow.  I didn't grab the camera quick enough.  Starting to fade, but was a pretty picture when at it's peak.

Duck.....Duck......No Goose!

After a couple of years insisting we "need to" get ducks, Jack-jack finally got his ducks.

I do have to admit they are pretty cute.

The plan was to keep a couple for pets and butcher the rest for eats.  Jack-jack thought we should keep 2 (a male and a female).  When he opened the box they were in, he thought maybe we should keep 4.......then maybe 6.  He goes out there to check on them throughout the days.  He makes sure the temperature is just right.  He also makes sure they have plenty of food and water.  I think becoming a little attatched.  

I am hoping all ducks fly south for the winter.  That way we won't have to worry about how many to keep/not keep.  If they don't fly south.....we might end up having 15 little pets and NONE for eating.


Thursday, June 6, 2013

8th Grade Award Ceremony

Today we were invited to watch the 8th grade award ceremony.  Hannah made us very proud.  Now it's on to high school!

Hannah and her Godmother Sara.

Grandma & Grandpa

Auntie Pam and Hannah
Hard to believe how grown up our Hannah-bell is.
 We're so very proud of you Hannah!!!

Prince Jack

Today Jack's third grade class put on a play for the rest of their grade, parents, grandparents, special friends, etc.  Jack played Prince Rolland.  It was great.  The kiddos did a fantastic job at entertaining their audience.  Many laughs.  So cute!


Pictures For Hannah's Timecapsule

Hannah's 8th grade year is coming to an end.  Her English teacher is putting together a timecapsule that will be given to the kids on their graduation.  The invitation to contribute either a letter, photos, small trinkets, etc. was extended to parents and family members.  I love the idea and was very excited about this project.  That was until I sat down to write a letter.  It was an emotional task for me, but I eventually got through with it.  These are the pictures we included with each of our letters.

Still Celebrating

Why make a birthday just one day?  We celebrated Cheyenne's birthday all weekend.  Ended it with a pizza party at the Mineshaft Sunday June 2, 2013.  A small party with just the family, but everyone seemed to have fun.

The birthday girl.
The awesome cake Auntie Pam got for the party.
Cheyenne and her Godmother.
The party.
Adam and Crystal.  I must have my beer goggles on because Sara looks a little blurry.
More tickets.
Having fun winning lots of games.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Girls' Formal

As the school year is winding down there are many many fun things the kids' have going on.  Last night the girls had their last dance of the year.  It was formal so everyone got all dressed up and looked their best.  I didn't get to take pictures with both Hannah and Cheyenne before hand, because Hannah went to a friend's house after school (and went to the dance from there).  But afterwards we stopped at the park for a few pictures.  It was dark, but I at least got some nice shots.  They were (are) absolutely beautiful!

Hannah's 8th grade year.
Chey is in 6th grade.
Sisters.  So pretty.  So very special.

Chey's 12th Birthday

May 31, 2013 Cheyenne celebrates her 12th birthday.  In the morning Sara picked her up and they went to have breakfast at the Perc Place before school.  But before they left we had to take pictures of course!
We've been counting down the days until this day for the whole month of May.  It has been a long month for us all.  But here it is!
Excited for her day.
Found a paper crown and a birthday pin and decided to wear it to school.  She made herself princess for the day.  And I say why not!?!

In the beginning of the week we also put an ad with a picture in the local paper.  The picture is one of my favorites of her.  When she say the ad she said, "Now that is just total sweetness".  Yes Chey, it is!

The girls had dance at school so we didn't get to celebrate too much with our birthday girl, but having a birthday on a Friday means you can celebrate the whooooole weekend.  And again.....why not!?!

Happy Birthday Cheyenne!