Today was a very neat day for the family. One of my cousins (Ryan) was ordained as a Deacon. Our family rented a bus and ventured to the Cathedral of Saint John the Evangelist (in Milwaukee) to witness the event.
Just arriving at the cathedral. |
A family photo. |
These are the five to be ordained. My cousin, Ryan, is second from right.
Promise of Obedience
Each candidate kneels, placing his hands between those of the Archbishop, and promises obedience and respect.
Litany of Supplication.
While the candidates lie prostrate, the assembly kneels and unites in prayer with the entire Communion of Saints.
Laying on of Hands.
Central to the rights of all ordinations is the practice of the "laying on of hands."
In silence, the Archbishop places his hands on each of the candidates as they kneel before him.
There is also a prayer of Ordination, Investiture with Stole and Dalmatic, Presentation of the Book of the Gospels, and then the Fraternal Welcome.
The mass continues with the Liturgy of the Eucharist and the Concluding Rite.
A very big day for those ordained.
A very special day for Ryan.
Next May (2012) will be Ryan's ordination and we will be able to officially call him Father Ryan.
Congratulations Ryan!
We're proud of you!