Sunday, April 29, 2012

Uncle Bill's Birthday

Yesterday we made a trip up north for Uncle Bill's surprise 40th birthday party.  And boy was he ever surprised.  Happy Birthday, Bill!


Hubby Jack with his parents and siblings.

While we were up north, we made a stop at Big Falls County Park.  A bigger taste of the north woods for the kids. 

Jack giving the kids a little taste of what he calls home.
A short hike.
A little piece of heaven.

We do plan on going back again when we can spend more time.  It was a nice little stop along the way.


It was Earth week last week.  We made a trip to the recycling center with a bunch of cans that were collected alongside the road or given to Jack-jack by friends and family.  Thank you to all who save cans for the kiddos!

Jack-jack is head of our can collecting and crushing department.  He gets to decide how the money is divided.  Seeing Hannah and Chey both helped (but only a little), he decided to give them each $ 10.00.  That mean Jack-jack got to keep $ 67.50 for himself.  Grand total received for all of the cans = $ 87.50.  Now he can't wait to start collecting for our next run.

Jack-jack's load of cans.
Waiting to find out the weight of the cans.
Money in the barrel collected.  Way to go!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Adam & Crystal's Wedding

Truly, a beautiful day. 

Congratulations Adam & Crystal!

Mr. & Mrs. Adam Gehl
The Wedding Party.

Father & Son

The Gehl 5

Sisters and Brother


Grandpa & Grandma With Hannah, Jack-jack, & Cheyenne
The Elaborate Card Box--made by Crystal's dad.  It even smokes!

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Today Sara treated Mom, Hannah, Chey, and me to our very first pedicure.  Talk about being spoiled!  I can see how one could easily get used to something like this!  Thank you Sara for the treat for our feet!  Thank you Mom for lunch!  It was fun!

Oh yes!

"Pampering Of The Princesses" I like to call this picture.  Just don't get used to it girls!

Our bear paws.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

"Sort Of"

Before Jack-jack put his pants in the wash, he did let me know that he "sort of" got grass stains on his pants.

 Yes Jack-jack, I would have to say you "sort of" did!