Monday, September 24, 2012

Charlotte's Web???

I love the sounds, sights, and feel of the early mornings when I am outside taking care of the animals.  It is complete peace in it's true form.  The other morning I was outside and came across this "picture".  The sun glistened just right off of this web and the pigs stood long enough for me to run back in the house to grab the camera.

I think they are looking for the word written in the web.

Chey's Musical Adventure

This year Cheyenne had the choice of either joining band or orchestra through the music program at the middle school.  She decided that she wanted to learn how to play the violin.  The first week of school she was so excited to be able to bring her violin home to play for us.

Super excited to play what she had learned in just the first day.
I made the kids do a silly pose to tease.  Yes, we were just kidding.  Not bad at all!  We're proud of you Chey!

Men At Work

It's that time of year again!  On these nice weekend days we're slowly working at building our wood pile for the winter.

Dad and his helper.
Way to go Jack-jack!

Volleyball Season 2012

Volleyball season is in full swing.  Games are usually 2 nights a week with practices averaging 2 nights also.  Both of the girls play the same nights so nights do tend to get a little long, but the girls are having lots of fun and that's really all that matters.

Friday, September 7, 2012

First Day Of School 2012

Summer vacation is officially over.  The kids started school Tuesday, September 4, 2012.  The first day went without a glitch.

Hannah's first day of 8th grade.  Up early and ready to go.  She goes to the high school for first hour so she catches a ride into school on the high school bus.
Cheyenne's first day of 6th grade.  She is super excited to be a middle schooler.
Jack-jack's first day of 3rd grade.  He is all alone at the elementary school this year--no big sisters to boss (show) him around.
Getting so big!  Where does the time go!?!
A quick picture with Mom.  All I have to say is that I am feeling quite old!  Yes, Hannah has passed me up with Chey and Jack-jack not too far behind.
Chey and Jack-jack waiting for their bus.
And there they go!