Saturday, February 2, 2013

Jack and Lori Anniversary 2013.

This year Jack and I celebrated our 15th year anniversary on January 31st.  To celebrate we had a night on the town in Port Washington.  It was the coldest night of the winter thus far.  Actual temperature -3 with windchills at -35.  Even though cold, it still is a beautiful little city.

February 2nd - early morning by the lake.  Temperature 6 degrees.

Jack's Birthday 2013

Celebrating birthday number 37!

The birthday boy back then.
The birthday boy now.
Happy Birthday To You!!!

Honor Roll

Hannah and Cheyenne made the honor roll.  Proud of our little girls!

Cheyenne - 6th Grade Honors

Hannah - 8th Grade High Honors

Christmas 2012

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day 2012.
The Krell Family Christmas Tree.
Christmas Eve Feast at the farm.
The Family.
Grandpa & Grandma Gehl with the grandkids.
The Krell Three.
Me & Jack.

A plate left for Santa.  Guess he upgraded from milk and cookies???

Hannah 14 years old.

Cheyenne 11 years old.

Jack-jack 9 years old.




I was hoping for snow for Christmas........

There's a chicken on the roof.  Apparently, when it snows chickens look for higher grounds.

............and we got some!  LOVE IT!!!