Monday, October 28, 2013

Trick Or Treat 2013

This year we were down to two trick or treaters.  Our oldest decided that having pizza and hanging out with her friends was an offer that sounded like more fun.  But for the rest, the going from door to door and holding bags open for candy made for a very exciting and fun filled day.

Cheyenne as our little girl on the prarrie.  She looks so sweet in that little bonnet!
Jack-jack as a scarey scarecrow.  He sure got a kick out of being able to "creep out" some of the littler kids along the way.  That made his costume even that much better!
The kids before the knocking on doors.  They walked miles and made quite a haul with their treats.
Apparently you make out just as good when you don't go trick or treating.  That's the bag Hannah got from Uncle Pee Wee and Great Grandma.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Homecoming Week 2013

Mystical Monday

Yes, I am love it that these children aren't afraid to get creative and have some fun.  The kids kicked off Homecoming week with Mystical Monday.  Dressing up like mystical creatures or things.  Hannah dug out her fish costume, put on some angel wings, and there you have it....a flying angel fish???

The week was full of dress up days and fun, but of course I am limited by the highschooler on the number of pictures I can take.  I am happy I got what I did!

Friday Fun
Riding the FFA float.  Hannah waving from the top front.
Hanging out at the football game.  Made their own t-shirts.

Saturday's Homcoming Dance

Posing for pictures.

Pretty, pretty all dressed up!

Before the dance the girls had a pot luck dinner and got all prettied up together.  A bunch of pretty little ladies!

Homecoming 2013
A fun time with great friends and lots of laughs. 

Luck Times Two

Some say finding salamanders in your basement brings you good luck.  I was lucky (?) enough to find two!

As much as they did scare the living daylights out of me when I first saw them, I do have to say, they are kind of cute.  But I also would have to say, they would be much cuter OUTSIDE!



In the words of Jared..."Jack, whaaat haaaapened?".  Apparently the clutch still wasn't working!?!  Don't worry Jack, you can keep your pride.  We won't tell anybody!

Poor little Jack didn't know what to say!