Sunday, January 26, 2014

Little Pigs, Little Pigs

Today Hubby brought home 4 little piggies.  One in the bunch has floppy ears.  We named him Floppy.  We get pretty original with the names around here!

Love this picture.  The smiles of both Jack and the pig crack me up!

Little pigs, little pigs.  Sort of forget how stinkin' cute they are when they're little.

Skidder's Back!

Happy to have "my" skid loader back!  It came just in time to rid the driveway of the new white fluffy snow!  Thanks Adam!


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Happy 38th Birthday Jack!

Today we celebrated number thirty eight for Jack!

We went to work and school like any other day.  For dinner we had chicken alfredo followed by tiramisu for dessert.  We followed an Italian theme.  We even busted out the wine glass and let the kids have soda.  Yes, we went all out to celebrate this special day!  And why the heck wouldn't we?!?

A Happy Birthday To You!

Monday, January 13, 2014


For Christmas Hubby got me this nifty little contraption.  Has just about every little tool you can think of.  Actually, until this morning, I couldn't think of anything else you would possibly need in a pinch.  I got to use for the first time this morning.  It worked great.  I was even feeling a little bit like Macgyver.  That was....until I slipped and fell on my @$$ in the driveway (it is pure ice out there right now).  Thought of one thing my nifty little contraption doesn't have; ice spikes!


Sunday, January 12, 2014

A Saturday Night With Tucker

Last night poor little Tucker had to put up with his crazy aunt, uncle, and cousins. I am sure Tucker had his own opinion, but we loved every minute of it!

We made Tucker keep his eyes open until he just couldn't any longer.

We played.

We discovered how good babies smell.

And we didn't hold him at all.

Okay, maybe we did hold him for just a liiiiiittle bit.  But only while Mom and Dad were gone.....I promise!



We hit a cold spell last week and were cooped up indoors for a few days.  I guess you could say we went a little nuts! 

We have a half of a five gallon bucket and two full milk crates left to crack.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Meeting Little Tucker.

My brother Adam and his wife Crystal welcomed their first child, Tucker.  We got to meet him today.  He sure is a keeper!  We each took our turn holding him. It was definitely love at first sight!

Oldest and youngest of the cousins on this side of the family.

I think there is a bond going on here already.

For the girl who didn't want to hold the baby because he was so tiny, she sure didn't want to share once she did.

Yeup, missing the days when the kids were that little.  Oh wait a minute.....ours never were!

When it was time to go home, nobody wanted to put him down.  Already LOVE him to pieces!

New Year's Eve

Our New Year's Eve Day was very low key.  We hung out at home, had pork chops with Mom and Dad for dinner, watched a couple of movies, and then camped out on our living room floor.  Most everybody made it to midnight to ring in the new year.  Everybody, but me.  Yeup, I was out (cold) well before 12 o'clock.  A party pooper I was!  Maybe next year.  Although, I think I have been saying that for the past 15 years.

Movie time.

The movie was of no interest to some.
 And this is what we find well after 9 o'clock in the morning when we do stay up late to welcome in the new year.  I guess you could say we missed the sunrise.

Totally out!