Wednesday, December 15, 2010

'Tis The Season

As Christmas nears we enjoy the many festivities to celebrate the holiday season.

The Santa hats are being worn, the Christmas tree is decorated, the stockings are hung in the doorway (don't have a fireplace), and the baking is a work in progress.  The shopping however hasn't even begun.

There is much snow on the ground and the air is cold and crisp.  Definitely very fitting!  This is my favorite time of the year.  I love the cold, I love the snow, I love the hustle and bustle of the season.

The love of the season isn't necessarily shared.  Jack has suggested many times to move south.  That I find amusing considering the fact he doesn't tolerate the heat very well.  Definitely spoken from the one in charge of the snow removal and keeping the animals in their fences when the wires are buried in the snow.  I guess I understand.

The kids definitely love the white powder.  They play in it everyday until their cheeks are rosy and fingers are cold.  They still find sledding down the septic mound (in which they have way outgrown) amusing.  Digging tunnels seems to be the latest and most fun of the snow-playing activities.


Our list of things to do before Christmas is here:

Find Santa!  Jack-jack still needs to give the ol' guy his Christmas wish list and is worried that if he doesn't get the list to Santa in time he won't know what to leave him for Christmas and in confusion leave him nothing.  Cheyenne has been told there is no such thing as Santa Claus (by classmates) and is on a mission to prove them all wrong.  The hunt is on!!! 

Shopping.  We should probably start that sometime.  I keep telling myself that this year will be easier and it will go really quick, but not able to convince myself of that very well when the list of people to shop for runs through my mind.  Now I am to the point where I keep "reassuring" myself I tend to work better under pressure (hoping!!!).

Baking.  It seems as though we have some of that left to do.  We were off to a good start, but the goodies seem to be disappearing faster than we have been making them.  The kids enthusiasm for decorating seems to be dwindling, therefore my help is slowly disappearing, too.

Crafting.  We still have gifts to make.  One of my favorite things to do!  Some projects are complete whereas there are still a few we need to start.  

The countdown to Christmas, only 10 more days!

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