Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Watch Out Babe! Stinkey Can Herd Cattle.

Another day at the Krell farm.

Every winter when the snow gets high enough to short out the fence in the back pasture, the pig "escapes" with ease.  It is only a matter of time before Stinkey makes her way to our front steps looking for a treat.  She'll give me just enough time to get my shoes and jacket on before making her way down the driveway and onto the road.  Luckily for us the pigs belly overtakes the pigs "smarts" allowing us to coax her into another fence by calling her name, carrying an apple, a bucket of feed, or anything yummy to eat (she'll follow you around like a puppy).  

Until the snow melts enough to put her back in her own pasture she'll be rooming with some cattle.  The cows were afraid of her at first, but eventually stopped "staring".  A little while later I went to check on them and see how everyone was getting along, Stinkey was taking them for a walk around the pasture???  Maybe they were just having a fun game of follow the leader???  All I could think of was Babe The Pig.  The kids used to watch that movie all of the time when they were little.  Whatever it may be, it was funny enough (to me) to go back up to the house and get the camera.   

Like my brother says......."We should put a tent over the place and call it a circus!".

Too funny!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Say, "No Teeth!".

Jack-jack lost a tooth this morning before church.  He lost both his front teeth in two weeks time.

What a smile!?!

One Heck Of A Muddy Mess!

The weather has been very mild this past week.  It been warm enough to start melting some of the snow we have.  Warm weather + lots of snow = one muddy mess!  Our driveway is a disaster!
The warm weather however was just a tease.  Tonight a winter storm.  9-13 inches here expected.
Guess it's not quite Spring!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tourney Time At St. Kilian

Last week Friday was the kick off to the St. Kilian basketball tournament which runs from Tuesday, February 15th to Sunday, February 27th.  

Besides the many games the kids play, there are many hours spent volunteering either in the kitchen, keeping the books, or collecting admissions at the front door.  Seems as though most of these 12 days are spent in the St. Kilian School gym.  But I won't complain.  it is a fun way to wrap up the kids' basketball season.

Despite their efforts, the 6th grade girls basketball team walks into this tournament with 2 wins for their whole season (not very good).  Last week we played three games in the Richfield tournament and took 5th place (out of six teams).  The team we beat out for 5th place was Richfield's 5th grade team (which also consisted of some 4th graders).  

Tonight was our first game in the SKS tournament.  We played Central Middle School (where Hannah goes to school).  Hannah was super excited for this game, because she played against her friends and fellow classmates.  Her friends also were looking forward to tonight's big game, but not with out taunting and teasing--calling Hannah a "trader".  Don't worry!  Hannah gives it back just as they dish it out.  Today she even wanted to wear her Jersey to school and deck out completely in blue and gold (St. Kilian School colors), but I was the "party pooper" and told her to be a good sport (although, I do agree, it was a very fun idea!!!). 

As for the game.......

The final score......

This game we walked away winners.  Maybe we're on a streak!?!  (probably not!)
It was one of those games where I think the spectators had just as much fun as the girls playing.
Cheap entertainment!
Very fun!

After the game, homework awaits.  Definitely not as much fun!

There's math.....

reading, English, and social studies.....

and studying for spelling tests.

After homework, everyone's nice cozy bed calls their name.
Tomorrow, a new day.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Good Game For Hannah.

The 6th grade girls team played hard last night, but ended walking away with another loss.  The girls made it an exciting game to watch, but just couldn't pull off a win.  The final score was 13 to 17. 

This game was Hannah's best ever played.  Lots of rebounds, a couple of assists, and 9 of those 13 points were hers.  The team and her were really working together.  Way to go, girls! 

Tonight another game.  Can't wait to see how they do!  

Go Cougars!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Some Sunday Fun!

Today we (Hannah) had a basketball game in West Bend at Holy Angel's School.  It wasn't a very pretty win, but we'll take it!  The final score 18 to 17.  This marks the 6th grade girls second win of the season.

After the basketball game we were looking for a little bit something to do 'til the big Super Bowl game.  On our way home we decided to stop and go bowling (something we haven't done for a while).  Fun, fun!


Way To Go,Chey!

Once a month Rossman School has an all school assembly.  This month Cheyenne was recognized at the assembly for passing her multiplication and division facts timed tests.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

All Dug Out

The big snowstorm of 2011 has come and gone.  It left us lots of snow!  The wind was very fierce so drifts in some areas were over Jack's (hubby's) head.

It took us about four and a half hours to dig ourselves out.  Thank goodness for modern machines (skid loader) otherwise we still would be shoveling!

Here is our driveway from the road.  The piles of snow are just as high on both sides of the drive.
That's a lot of snow!

A little confused.
The cows "herd" together outside and just looked around.
They're not really sure what to do or where to go with all of the snow.

I spy with my little eye......
about a dozen chickens that are perched in one of our pine trees and won't come down because the snow is too deep below.

Before you know it spring will be here.  According to Punxsutawney Phil spring will come early this year.  That's good news for some.