Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Watch Out Babe! Stinkey Can Herd Cattle.

Another day at the Krell farm.

Every winter when the snow gets high enough to short out the fence in the back pasture, the pig "escapes" with ease.  It is only a matter of time before Stinkey makes her way to our front steps looking for a treat.  She'll give me just enough time to get my shoes and jacket on before making her way down the driveway and onto the road.  Luckily for us the pigs belly overtakes the pigs "smarts" allowing us to coax her into another fence by calling her name, carrying an apple, a bucket of feed, or anything yummy to eat (she'll follow you around like a puppy).  

Until the snow melts enough to put her back in her own pasture she'll be rooming with some cattle.  The cows were afraid of her at first, but eventually stopped "staring".  A little while later I went to check on them and see how everyone was getting along, Stinkey was taking them for a walk around the pasture???  Maybe they were just having a fun game of follow the leader???  All I could think of was Babe The Pig.  The kids used to watch that movie all of the time when they were little.  Whatever it may be, it was funny enough (to me) to go back up to the house and get the camera.   

Like my brother says......."We should put a tent over the place and call it a circus!".

Too funny!!!

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