Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Operation Determined Cookie

Of course when you don't have an oven (in working order) is the time you totally craaaave something that requires an oven to make.  We've reached a point where the cravings led us to a more creative way of thinking.

Since the sun was shining and the day was about to get warm, we reverted back to our fourth grade science lessons on alternate energy.  We grabbed ourselves a cardboard box, some aluminum foil, and a sheet of glass.  Cheyenne (our little baker) whipped up a batch of cookie dough, dropped spoonfuls on a cast iron griddle, and we tried out our homemade solar powered oven.

As we wait for our cookies to bake we are even more determined than before.  We will have those yummy chocolate chip cookies before the sun goes down!!!

After one hour of progress.  Our oven is definitely working.  Looking like cookies.

After two and a half hours we have ourselves a delicious plate of freshly baked cookies (and another batch in the oven).

Our oven worked!  

It does take more time than using the conventional oven, but no energy other than that provided by the sun was used for baking.

"He that can have Patience, can have what he will”

-Benjamin Franklin-

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