Wednesday, August 3, 2011

An Afternoon Movie

Yesterday it was hot and humid outside.  Just plain YUCKY!!!  Decided to pack up and find something "cool" to do.  Decided on afternoon movie at theater.  Went to see The Smurfs.  Talk about going back in time!  The movie was really cute.  Lots of funnies for all ages.  It was nice to find something that everyone enjoyed.  That seems to be harder to do now that the girls are getting older and Jack-jack is so "boy".  But everyone agreed it was a good afternoon!

I do have to show you what my mom dug out of the closet!  It's a Smurf radio from when I was younger.  One little wire is broke, but have to see if hubby can fix it.  Then we can see if it still works.  I know I also had a lamp, but she couldn't find that.  However she did come across a Smurf baby buggy for dolls, but I think that was mine and Sara's (sister) to share.  Too funny!


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