Friday, December 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Hannah - November 10, 2012

November 10, 2012 our "little" Hannah celebrated her 14th birthday.  It was a Saturday which was a special treat all itself because being a teenager Hannah loves doing the teenage thing--sleeping in in the mornings.  She got to do that.  In the afternoon Hartford had it's annual Christmas parade.  Hannah had to march in it with the Central band.  I wasn't able to make it, but a friend took this picture of her along the route.  After the parade the family had cake to celebrate.

Happy Birthday Hannah!!!

Hannah sportin' her new red shoes.

Happy 50th Anniversary Margo & Dotty!

November 3, 2012 Margo and Dotty celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.

November 4, 2012 we celebrated their special day with an anniversary mass at St. Kilian church.  Hannah and Cheyenne both served for the mass.

Happy Anniversary Margo and Dotty!


Jack-jacks Birthday - November 3, 2012

This year was a little bit congested with activities but did the best we could.  We had lots to celebrate!

We celebrated both Hannah and Jack-jack's birthday on November 3rd with cake, ice cream, and presents.  Kept the party small.  Papa, Grandma, Sara, Adam, and Crystal came.

November 3rd, 2012 was Jack-jack's 9th birthday.
Happy Birthday Jack-jack!!!

Jack-jack's birthday pancakes.  Not healthy, but totally fun!  It's a birthday we're celebrating!  We don't have to be healthy!  But we do have to be fun!
Totally obsessed with fire!

Another one totally obsessed with fire.  We blame Grandma for that one!
Total flashbackThe boys had fun with Rock 'em Sock 'em.

Hannah totally lovin' her new kicks!

Happy Birthday Jack-jack!  I hope you had a good day.

Happy Birthday party Hannah!  I hope you had a good day, too!

Love you both!  

Jack-jack's Birthday Celebration In School.

This year in Jack-jack's third grade class he and a classmate share their birthday.  Not only do they share the day, they also were born in the same hospital only about a half an hour apart from one another.  To top it off, I went to school with Sydney's mom.  

To celebrate we (us moms) thought it would be fun to have a extra fun birthday treat to share with the class.  We took in the fixings so the kids could build their own sundaes.  It seemed to be a hit.

Happy Birthday Jack-jack and Sydney!

The birthday boy and girl.
The table with all the goodies.
Jack-jack and Sydney's class enjoying their treat.


Halloween 2012

Carving pumpkins and making a mess.

Watch out!  Hannah's using a knife!
Cheyenne gutting her pumpkin.
Jack-jack digging right in.
Pumpkin fun.

Dressing up to got Trick or Treating.  Always have fun begging at people's doors.  Always seem to get lots and lots of candy too!

Hannah going as a gnome, Jack-jack all in black with a skull on a stick (his and dad's creation), and Cheyenne went as the tooth fairy.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Cheyenne's Frist Concert - October 23, 2012

Cheyenne's first Middle School Orchestra and Choir Concert.  The night was filled with 6th graders playing and singing their hearts out.

Our little violinist sitting back row and first on the left smiling at the camera.

Concentrating hard and playing away.

The 6th grade orchestra has 75 members.

Here is Cheyenne with the 6th grade choir.  She is 2nd row from the top on the way left end--wearing black and white.

A big group of 6th grade choristers too.
Great job Cheyenne!
We are all very proud of you!


Sweetest Day - October 20, 2012

Jack and I had tickets to go and see Rosanne Cash down in Bloomington, Illinois.  I was stoked and totally looking forward to this trip and concert for a really long time.  

The kids were well taken care of (being spoiled at Grandma and Grandpa's).  We had no worries, tickets to a show, and some time to ourselves.  It was very much appreciated and enjoyed.

Saturday also happened to be Sweetest Day.  My gem of a husband found a fresh cut flower in the grocery store's ( a stop along the way) parking lot.  He got in the car, gave it to me, and said, "Happy Sweetest Day!".

Nothing like finding a flower in the parking lot to show your love!

As for the concert, we had awesome seats and the performance was incredible!  Totally worth the trip! 

She is an amazing artist and performer!  I still have chills!

Thanks Jack, for a great weekend!  It was such a treat!

Hartford Homecoming Parade - October 12, 2012

The "big" Hartford Homecoming Parade.  Hannah had to march with the Central Middle School band.  By the time the parade was over she had a bruised thumb and hurt one of her other fingers.  Who knew marching with the band could be such a dangerous sport?


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Rick and Laura Wedding -- September 29, 2012

This past weekend we had a northern Wisconsin adventure.  We started heading north later Friday morning.  We knew we were in for a long ride so we were sure to pack plenty of things to keep ourselves (kids) occupied.  We did stop along the way.  We decided to take our time.  Being the end of September I was looking forward to seeing some colors in the trees (things were just starting to change in this area).  About 2 hours into our drive I couldn't believe how colorful everything was.  The further north we headed the more more beautiful it got.  It was absolutely GORGEOUS!  I've honestly never seen anything like it before.  It was amazing!  Of course we stopped to take lots of pictures along the way.

Once in Hurley the kids got to do some swimming in the hotel pool.  It felt good just being able to chill and relax.

Saturday morning I was up early and ready to check out our surroundings.  Of course some weren't too happy with me waking them up.  Especially since they all knew I had the camera in hand.  We drove some side roads and then made our way in to Michigan.  We drove along Lake Superior for a little bit.  Then we made our way down to the shores and did a little hike.

Acting happy to be out this early taking pictures.
Even though by the time we got up north everyone was sick of taking pictures, they all were cooperative.  Thank you!
Lake Superior from the Michigan shores.
Superior Falls.
Along our little hike.
A steep climb back up to the top, but we all made it.

After our morning adventure it was time to head to Rick and Laura's house for the wedding.  The weather was beautiful.  You couldn't have asked for a better day.  The ceremony was nice.  There was yummy food, music, kareokee, 4 wheeler rides, and even a fire later on.  It was so nice to see the family and spend time with them.

Us with the Bride and Groom.
A beautiful view.  On a clear day you can see Lake Superior from their deck.  On this day there was fog hoovering over the lake.
Jack-jack 8 years old.
Cheyenne 11 years old.
Hannah 13 years old.
Jack-jack with Auntie Ronda and Uncle Jeff, his Godparents.
The kids with their Grandpa and Grandma Krell.
The Krell siblings.  John, Rick, Jack, Ronda, and Bill.

After a nice time together it is hard to say good by, but Sunday morning we had breakfast with Jeff and Ronda and headed home.  Before we left Iron County it was insisted by some little guy that we stop at the county building to take pictures by the tank and helicopter Jack-jack saw on his way up.

Jack-jack by "his" army tank.
Jack-jack by the helicopter.  He was so excited when he saw these out the window.

On the road and heading home.  We love you Chey with all of our hearts, but this sight and sound is very much appreciated after a long weekend and a long car ride still ahead of us ;) .

Congratulations Rick & Laura!  Thank you for giving us and excuse to take a trip to the north woods!  We had an awesome time.  Can't wait to do it again!  Love to all!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Charlotte's Web???

I love the sounds, sights, and feel of the early mornings when I am outside taking care of the animals.  It is complete peace in it's true form.  The other morning I was outside and came across this "picture".  The sun glistened just right off of this web and the pigs stood long enough for me to run back in the house to grab the camera.

I think they are looking for the word written in the web.