Monday, January 30, 2012

Happy New Year!

It is hard to believe it's the end of January and we are already a month into 2012.  Where does the time go?!?

We have been keeping ourselves plenty busy.  The girls are both well into their basketball season.  Practices and games keep us running pretty much every night of the week with more games and some tournaments over the weekends.  At times it does get quite hectic, but do enjoy it!  The little guy however can't wait until he is old enough to actually play instead of watching all the excitement from the stands.  He has been quiet the trooper through it all!

With that being said there isn't a whole lot of time left for us to do much of anything else.  The hectic schedules and constant running seems to limit our "spare" time.  When we do have the chance to enjoy something other than basketball.........we make the most of it!

Here are some pictures of the latest excitement.

Hannah got an autograph and her picture taken with LeRoy Butler.
We celebrated Dotty's 96th birthday with a visit and cake with ice cream of course!
Jack-jack driving the skidder with a load of wood.  The kids don't mind to work as long as we keep it "fun".  Driving the skid loader is still new and very "fun" for them to do.
Chey hauling her load of wood.  Each of them take turns either pulling the wagon or driving the skid steer.  It's Chey's turn pulling the wagon.
Making no bake cookies for a yummy treat.  Chey is the little baker of the house.  Loves to bake and help in the kitchen.
Finally got some snow!  The kids were super excited!  Now all we need is a bigger hill.
Hannah was home from school one day (not feeling well).  She suggested that her and I play a game of Scrabble.  A close game, but she ended up winning 247 to 243.
Jack got a new steamer for the grill from Adam and Crystal for Christmas.  Tried it out with a chicken and veggies.  YUMMY!

Another Happy Birthday to celebrate.  January is full of them!  Along with Dotty's we also celebrated Crystal's (sister-in-law-to-be's) and Sara's.  On January 21st we celebrated Hubby's.  Jack turned 36!  Love how "happy" he looks (he really was--just not in the picture).  The kids baked a white cake with frosting (par birthday boy's request) and spent a nice quiet night at home.

Hoping your New Year is off to a good start!

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