Saturday, March 31, 2012

Our Student Of The Week

Cheyenne was selected to be Student Of The Week.  This is the write up on the district's Facebook page and the local papers.  Very exciting!

Cheyenne Krell is Rossman fifth grade's Student of the Week. She has shown outstanding responsibility in her academic classes by helping to add to a learning environment by always striving to do her best.

Cheyenne is a kind and caring person who reaches out to both her classmates and teacher helping in whatever way she can. She truly demonstrates the motto of Rossman School as being safe, responsible, and respectful. Congratulations Cheyenne!

We are very proud of you Chey!!!

A Great Start To A Gloomy Day!

Love a day when there is no rush in the morning to head out the door.  A good start to a gloomy morning.........

Strawberry stuffed French toast with homemade maple syrup.  Oh yes, mornings are great!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Put Those Piggies To Work!

A Poor Man's Tiller is what we call it.  In Spring we put our pigs in the garden to turn the dirt before we actually till it ourselves.  This afternoon we put four pigs to work.
 Made for some happy little pigs!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring Has Sprung!


Today is the first day of Spring


"It's a beautiful day, don't let it get away."

Author: unknown

Monday, March 19, 2012

Wedding Shower

This past Sunday we pulled off a surprise wedding shower for Crystal.  Lots of people.  Lots of really super nice stuff!  Thanks to all that came out and showered the bride to be with all the wonderful gifts!  One month to go until the big day!


Congratulations Crystal and Adam!

Saturday, March 17, 2012


 May the leprechauns be near you
To spread luck along the way!

Not a wee bit Irish, but still lots o' fun to pretend to be!

Have lots o' fun and enjoy your day!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

First Picnic Of The Year!

These past couple of days have been beautiful outside!  Beautiful enough to confuse some into thinking they need shorts, tank tops, and even warm enough to not need a shirt at all???

After a long day at school the kids look forward to playing outside.  They can't get off that bus fast enough.  They run up the driveway to throw their backpacks in the front door and turn right around to head back out to play until it's almost dark.

Yesterday the kids couldn't even come inside to eat dinner.  They wanted a picnic.  So we put the planned dinner aside and made sandwiches instead.  The kids took their plates out to the picnic table and we had this years first picnic!

Oh how this weather is great!  We are sooooo ready for Spring!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Birthday Celebrated.

Yesterday we celebrated what begins year #34 for me. 

Baking the birthday cake was the first thing on the to do list.  Who would've thought baking a cake could easily be made into an all day project?!? 
A strawberry cake.  Sounds simple enough, right?!?  The mixing and baking were easy, but the whole assembly of the project......that was another story!  With enough skewers and toothpicks to hold everything in place I eventually got it to look like a cake.  I was happy it tasted way better than it looked!  To be honest, it was very good--very nummy!

And of course s few pictures to mark the day of the occasion.

The Krell 3 in a tree.

Mom and her three little monkeys.

I am getting pretty good at using the timer on the camera!
A glass of wine, a few drinks, dinner, company gone and party all wrapped up by about 9 p.m.  
I guess you could say I really am starting to feel a little bit older!

All in all a very happy day!

Thank you to my family and friends for making it that way!

Friday, March 9, 2012


The best part of making a cake......being able to clean out the bowl!


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Spring Is Near!?!

This morning Chey spotted the first robin in the yard.  It was back again this afternoon.  Hope this is a sign that Spring is near!


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Mission Accomplished!

Today we set out on a mission.  A mission to find Hannah and Cheyenne each a dress for Adam and Crystal's wedding (April).  We left the third store with dresses in hand.  Couldn't have planned it better!  This means that everyone is set and ready for the wedding!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

March Snow

And so I ask.....where was this (snow) in December???

I LOVE winter........but not when it's almost supposed to be over with!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Dr. Seuss Day

This whole week has been filled with dress up days and fun for the kids at the elementary school to celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday.

Today Chey and Jack went to school as Thing 1 and Thing 2.  They were disappointed that I didn't have a blue wig to complete their outfits (because you know everyone owns a blue wig or two).  They were even more disappointed that I wouldn't let them dye their hair (blue).

"Thing 1" and "Thing 2"


And then in this family you have "Thing 3"

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Good Bye Basketball Season 2012!

This year was Hannah's third year playing for SKS.  She had a good season.  Stepped it up a bit and played on the 8th grade team this year.  Together they fought hard and played well.  Had troubles with our shooting, but defensively were pretty tough.

Hannah ready to rebound.  #52
Second place in the St. Mary's tournament.
This year was Cheyenne's first year playing basketball at SKS.  She is in 5th grade.  The coaches worked hard with the girls to teach them the game so they would have a great season.  Our losses out numbered our win, but they really did well.  It is amazing to see the progress from the beginning of the season to the end.  Cheyenne did her best and played hard.  She had a lot of fun. 

Chey (#12) up at the free throw line.
Chey fighting for the ball.

Great job girls!  We are very proud of you both!