Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Birthday Celebrated.

Yesterday we celebrated what begins year #34 for me. 

Baking the birthday cake was the first thing on the to do list.  Who would've thought baking a cake could easily be made into an all day project?!? 
A strawberry cake.  Sounds simple enough, right?!?  The mixing and baking were easy, but the whole assembly of the project......that was another story!  With enough skewers and toothpicks to hold everything in place I eventually got it to look like a cake.  I was happy it tasted way better than it looked!  To be honest, it was very good--very nummy!

And of course s few pictures to mark the day of the occasion.

The Krell 3 in a tree.

Mom and her three little monkeys.

I am getting pretty good at using the timer on the camera!
A glass of wine, a few drinks, dinner, company gone and party all wrapped up by about 9 p.m.  
I guess you could say I really am starting to feel a little bit older!

All in all a very happy day!

Thank you to my family and friends for making it that way!

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