Sunday, April 29, 2012


It was Earth week last week.  We made a trip to the recycling center with a bunch of cans that were collected alongside the road or given to Jack-jack by friends and family.  Thank you to all who save cans for the kiddos!

Jack-jack is head of our can collecting and crushing department.  He gets to decide how the money is divided.  Seeing Hannah and Chey both helped (but only a little), he decided to give them each $ 10.00.  That mean Jack-jack got to keep $ 67.50 for himself.  Grand total received for all of the cans = $ 87.50.  Now he can't wait to start collecting for our next run.

Jack-jack's load of cans.
Waiting to find out the weight of the cans.
Money in the barrel collected.  Way to go!

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