Friday, September 7, 2012

First Day Of School 2012

Summer vacation is officially over.  The kids started school Tuesday, September 4, 2012.  The first day went without a glitch.

Hannah's first day of 8th grade.  Up early and ready to go.  She goes to the high school for first hour so she catches a ride into school on the high school bus.
Cheyenne's first day of 6th grade.  She is super excited to be a middle schooler.
Jack-jack's first day of 3rd grade.  He is all alone at the elementary school this year--no big sisters to boss (show) him around.
Getting so big!  Where does the time go!?!
A quick picture with Mom.  All I have to say is that I am feeling quite old!  Yes, Hannah has passed me up with Chey and Jack-jack not too far behind.
Chey and Jack-jack waiting for their bus.
And there they go!


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