Thursday, March 28, 2013

Maple Syrup

Last Saturday the boys tapped the maple tree in the front yard.  Today when Jack-jack checked his ice cream bucket it was just about half full.

We strained the sap through a cloth and then put it on the stove to boil down.

We were hoping for at least a tablespoon of syrup to sample after the sap was boiled down.  After almost two hours of cooking we ended up getting a little more than that.  We have enough for someone to have a couple of pancakes in the morning!  Let's just say.......there is a little someone who is very excited about breakfast tomorrow!

Yes, a lot of steps in the making of this tiny amount of syrup, but the excitement and thrill it brings to a certain little someone.......ABSOLUTELY priceless!!!

Needless to say, the bucket is back out on the tree. 

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