Sunday, May 26, 2013

Little Birds And A Scarecrow

Memorial Day weekend at home.

I was wondering why I almost had my eyeballs gouged out while standing under the tree.  I looked up and found a nest with some little Robins.  Very "tweet".

Our garden has a pretty good start in it being planted.  Seeds are in the ground.  No plants other than the strawberries which (surprisingly) survived the winter and even have blossoms on.  The kids are anxious to for the berries to come.  To keep the birds and bunnies from eating our crop, Cheyenne decided the garden needed a scarecrow.  This is what she came up with using some branches, a grocery bag filled with straw, and some zip ties.  She says she's a 9 foot 4 inch beauty.  Pretty creative I do have to say!


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Man's Best Friends.

The Man, the dogs, and the beer....who is really this man's best friend???  But then again....why choose!?!


Speaking Sky

It's a sight like this that just seems to make everything else around you completely disappear.

Mother's Day 2013

The only way I seem to get any cooperation for pictures anymore is if it is a holiday, special occasion, or if I threaten.  Today was Mother's Day.  It was a special occasion and I didn't even have to threaten.  Happy Mother's Day to me!

Yes, it was a chilly Mother's Day, but these are the smile that make this mom's heart very warm and happy.

Even Hubby cooperated for a picture. 

And to all of you mothers out there who thought you were the "world's greatest mom", I hate to break it to you, but it turns out I am.  I got a card that said so.

I Love it!

 Thanks kiddos (and Hubby too), but do know you guys are the greatest and best of everything!

Bring On The Fishin' !

Opening day Big Jack and Little Jack packed up their gear and headed out to do a little bit of fishing.  They came home with a couple to clean and just enough to make a meal for the two of them.  The little guy couldn't have been more proud.  Especially since he caught the biggest fish between the two of them.


Spring Musical 2013

The kids have been working hard practicing for their school musical.  13 performances in all.  Lots of hard work and dedication.  The show was a successA job well done!

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This is Hannah's 8th grade yearThis was her last musical at Central Middle School.  She had three good years with three good shows.  Lots of fun with them all.

Cheyenne is in 6th grade.  This was her first musical.  She had lots of fun with the show and already is excited and looking forward to next year!

Way to go girls! 



So I am a little bit behind in my blog--the story of my life!

We anxiously awaited Spring.  It seem like it was never going to come.  We did get a few nice (nicer) days outside to play in April, but were quite limited.

Jack-jack got out his mini bike from the garage.  Still works like a charm.

Cheyenne after playing some catch.  Getting ready for softball season.