Sunday, May 26, 2013

Little Birds And A Scarecrow

Memorial Day weekend at home.

I was wondering why I almost had my eyeballs gouged out while standing under the tree.  I looked up and found a nest with some little Robins.  Very "tweet".

Our garden has a pretty good start in it being planted.  Seeds are in the ground.  No plants other than the strawberries which (surprisingly) survived the winter and even have blossoms on.  The kids are anxious to for the berries to come.  To keep the birds and bunnies from eating our crop, Cheyenne decided the garden needed a scarecrow.  This is what she came up with using some branches, a grocery bag filled with straw, and some zip ties.  She says she's a 9 foot 4 inch beauty.  Pretty creative I do have to say!


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