Thursday, July 11, 2013

Bubbles No Troubles

The latest business adventure at the Krell house is Cheyenne and Jack's car washing business.

The kids are finding how nice it is to go somewhere and have their own money to spend.  They also are realizing that once the money is spent, it is gone, there is no more.  So they started to think of ways to make some money of their own.

One day, while washing the truck, an idea came to mind.  "How about we wash and vacuum cars."  Both very excited over the idea.  They came up with a price list, put together a little box with their supplies, and even made up a name for themselves.  Bubbles No Troubles.

So far they have a couple of jobs.  Auntie Sara has an appointment tomorrow.  And Uncle Adam has them booked to do his tractors out at the farm Saturday morning.  They are excited and so their little business adventure begins!

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