Sunday, August 4, 2013

Hannah's Bedroom

The mission was to clean the kids' bedrooms.  That project turned into a bigger project.  Three kids with three very big ideas of how they wanted their bedrooms repainted.  Not just cleaned.  Not just rearranged.  But repainted!  This is something that can only be done one room at a time.  We started with Hannah's.

Hannah wanted a gray bedroom.  She picked out a color I wasn't too sure of in the beginning, but once it was all done, I really liked it.  Looks great with the white trim and accents.  

My job is done.  I was in charge of the painting.  Now Hannah's in charge of adding the pops of color and personality.

The room all painted and ready to be decorated.
Hannah found a comforter that added some color to her room.

For the most part we are finished.  We are on the look out for a white chair for her desk (or one that we can paint white).

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