Saturday, March 22, 2014

St. Patrick's Day 2014

Not a wee bit of Irish in our blood, but the kids still have fun dressing up and getting into the spirit of the day!

Cheyenne 7th grade and Jack-jack in 4th

Hannah's New Do

The shortest haircut Hannah has had in years.  A little shorter than what she wanted, but a super cute cut for her.

Hannah was able to donate a nice thick, soft, 9 1/2 inch ponytail to Pantene in which they will use to make wigs for cancer patients. 

The Boy Confused

The girls had gotten a bunch of shoes from one of Sara's friends.  Turns out the boy is pretty good at walking in heals.


Birthday 36

March 12th I celebrated my 36th birthday.  The day started out with no plans but ended with a big pan of lasagna and cake with the family.  It was a good day that ended even better.

Flowers the Hubby brought home for me.

Monday, March 10, 2014

History Repeating Itself

There are many similarities from when I was growing up to now, when our kids are growing up.  I guess I didn't realize how similar it all was until I came across these pictures.

Here is a picture with me and Sara.

Here is a picture of Hannah and Cheyenne (just 2 months short of being exactly) 20 years later.

A picture of me, Sara, Adam, with Dad and Mom on Mother's Day 1984.

Here is a picture of our kiddos with Mom and Dad taken 20 years later with the next generation.  Christmas 2003

Here is a picture of me, Sara, and Adam Christmas of 1983.

Cheyenne, Jack, and Hannah sit in a similar pose 20 years later.  Christmas of 2003.

It is fun looking back and seeing for myself how really not very far the apple falls from the tree.

A Boy And His Dogs

A nice day to be outside and play.

Western Day At School

This girls totally a little cowgirl at heart!

Orchestra Concert 2014

Cheyenne smiling pretty and ready to play in her orchestra concert.

Well Done Cheyenne and the rest of the orchestra!

Basketball Season 2014

Chey playing 7th grade basketball and enjoying the season.

Where Did Stinkey Go?

It was one of those typical days around the Krell house.  I went out to take care of the animals and Stinkey was missing.  There were only tracks leading to the upstairs of the barn, but I couldn't find her anywhere.  Then I saw......

I heard noises downstairs in the barn and when I went to see, I found.....

Stinkey helping herself to some grain and hay.

She fell down the hay hole.  Walked away with only a scratch on her nose.  That's a pretty far fall for a pig.  Wonder if they are like cats and land on their feet???