Monday, March 10, 2014

History Repeating Itself

There are many similarities from when I was growing up to now, when our kids are growing up.  I guess I didn't realize how similar it all was until I came across these pictures.

Here is a picture with me and Sara.

Here is a picture of Hannah and Cheyenne (just 2 months short of being exactly) 20 years later.

A picture of me, Sara, Adam, with Dad and Mom on Mother's Day 1984.

Here is a picture of our kiddos with Mom and Dad taken 20 years later with the next generation.  Christmas 2003

Here is a picture of me, Sara, and Adam Christmas of 1983.

Cheyenne, Jack, and Hannah sit in a similar pose 20 years later.  Christmas of 2003.

It is fun looking back and seeing for myself how really not very far the apple falls from the tree.

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