Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Brisk Morn On Our Little Funny Farm

 word of the day:  anomalous
definition:  deviating from a general rule:  abnormal

Seems to be quite fitting for our little farm.  I wouldn't have it any other way.  It is our fun.  It is our way of life.  It is what makes us who we are.

On this brisk morning I took the camera with me as I tended to the animals.  It was calm and still.  I thought it would be fun to give examples of what anomalous could mean around here.

The animals in their normal morning routine, wait patiently for someone to tend to them.  As soon our goats hear the door or see movement coming from the house, they run down their worn path bellowing, whining, begging for attention and food.  Attention they do get, and as you can see, they get plenty to eat.  I have seen chubby, maybe even fat goats, but these goats are beyond!  They are as wide as they are tall (anomalous).  Over the winter months they do slim down (compared to what they are when the weather is warm and grass to eat at their desire), but definitely don't get skinny!  They are two of a kind!

 Next in our morning routine are the pigs waiting for fresh water.  Stinkey, our pet sow has been with us for about 5 years.  She is very spoiled.  As long as it is cold and their is snow on the ground, she doesn't come out of her hut 'til she feels she has reason to (e. g. to drink, get a treat, eat, roam around the pasture, etc.).  She gets very crabby when you disturb her from where she is nestled all snug. This morning I called for her to come out and take a picture, but wasn't able to convince her.  She decided she would pose from the doorway.

The other pigs have a little bit more ambition.  They make us laugh as they run around and play like a bunch of little kids or puppies.  They are very fun to watch!  Cheap entertainment I guess you could say.  

I have to share a picture of this one pig that sort of sticks out from the rest.  From little on, she has had an expression that is truly unique.  Her tongue sticks out of her mouth like that of a dog (here you can see it a little bit).  When she gets excited her tongue hangs way out the side (of her mouth) and even has a little bit of a pant (anomalous???).

The cows seem to be the most normal.  Just happy to have their hay. 

As for the chickens, they pretty much have the run of the farm.  When the snow gets deep and the weather gets cold they tend to keep close to the coop.  We do however have two birds that like to be different.  They would much rather hang out in the barn.  We catch them, put them back in the coop with the others, but find by morning they have made their way back to the barn.  Instead of eating grain like the rest of the birds, they insist on pecking through the cows hay and eat the cat's food.  Definitely anomalous!!!  I am waiting for the day they start to "moo" and "meow".

Anomalous, but fun!

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