Tuesday, January 4, 2011

To Market To Market

Of course things aren't easy, nor do we expect them to be, but a little cooperation here and there would be nice.

Last night was another adventure loading the pigs to take to market early this morning.  We thought we were ahead of the game--having things lined up up on Sunday and ready for animals to be loaded Monday night, but that would've been waaaaaaaaayyyyy too easy!

After a slow start, some heaving and hoeing, and lots of squealing (not all from the pigs), the animals were finally loaded on the truck. 

There they go!  A picture of Jack leaving for Rio (the organic butcher shop) early this morning with the last five (or the first--depending how you look at it) of the hogs for the year. This is what we use to haul our animals to market.  We call it, "The Pig Rig".  Definitely one of a kind!   

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