Today our little Chey turns 10 years old.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
The celebrating started early with going for breakfast to the Perc Place With Auntie Sara before school.
Of course we have to take birthday treats for the class. The treat of choice were parfaits.
After school Cheyenne had baseball practice.
Only with the Krells' can the poor little birthday girl finish baseball practice getting x-rays and waiting for a phone call to see if her ankle is broken (or not).
Needless to say, Cheyenne's special birthday dinner was a little bit delayed.
A birthday just isn't a birthday without singing and cake of course!
So after all of the commotion....
we had our cake!
Definitely not the best birthday ever, but definitely one we'll remember!
We love you Chey!
After school Cheyenne had baseball practice.
Only with the Krells' can the poor little birthday girl finish baseball practice getting x-rays and waiting for a phone call to see if her ankle is broken (or not).

Needless to say, Cheyenne's special birthday dinner was a little bit delayed.
A birthday just isn't a birthday without singing and cake of course!
So after all of the commotion....
we had our cake!
Definitely not the best birthday ever, but definitely one we'll remember!
We love you Chey!