Monday, May 9, 2011

The Sun Is Shining Again!

It has to be a record!  The sun is out for more than one consecutive day.  Showers are in the forecast for later on (and a few other days this week), but for right now it is shining!

Because the sun is shining and off to a good start, laundry will be priority.  It's a job that never really does seem to have an end.  I do love the fact that when the weather is nice I am able to air dry everything!  In the times of hanging out our laundry to dry (rather than just throwing it in the dryer) I can cut our electric bill by at least one third.  

As I was hanging out the laundry this morning I got to thinking about routines and for some reason the Little House On The Prairie books came to mind.  They are my absolute all time favorite!  I loved to read the "My First......." versions to the kids when they were little(r).  In The Long Winter was the little saying for the work to each of their days.

Funny how times have changed.  I can't imagine doing a whole day's worth of laundry by hand on a washboard.  Of course you would have to make the soap, fetch, and warm the water first.  How many of our kids actually know what ironing, mending, and churning are?  I myself do not iron (unless there is a special occasion), sew, or mend.  As for the churning of the butter, I do go on a "kick" every now and again when the cows are eating grass.  I do modernize the process though.  I use the blender for the "churning" part.  It only takes a few minutes--not all day.  I love the thought of that era, but I do also love the thought of the modern conveniences we are lucky enough to have!

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