Hubby worked on fence, I putzed in the garden, and the kids were in and out entertaining themselves.
The fence Jack is working on is for the little pigs we'll be getting at the end of this month. They have a nice couple of acres to roam, but snow and weeds really destroy the low wires from one year to the next. It just needs a good overhaul to be sure it has a good zap before we bring the feisty little ones into the pasture (they have never seen and electric fence before they come here). Pigs are quick! They can get away in a blink of an eye. Catching them is a job none of us like doing. No matter how tired that pig is when you are chasing and trying to catch them, they'll make sure you are ten times more (tired)!
The garden is a sad sight! The weather has been sooooo unpredictable, but more cold than anything. We'll have 4 days over 90 degrees--hot and humid! Then the following day back to 55 degrees. Crazy! Needless to say, or garden is behind.
We have radishes that are ready and...

some lettuce that is just about.
We also have three rows of beets that are looking pretty good, but that is pretty much it. Today I decided to put the rest of the plants in. We'll have to wait and see what happens!
As for the kids, they kept themselves busy playing both inside and out. They know not to say they are "bored" or "don't have anything to do" when Jack and I have things that we are working on--especially something that might not look very "fun". They know we have no problem helping them find something (to do) to keep them busy.
It was a very productive day. It made for an enjoyable evening to come in, kick off our shoes, unwind, sit back, relax, enjoy the things we got done and the pleasant night ahead.
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