Friday, August 12, 2011

First Cavities

Last week the kids had dentist appointments for a cleaning.  The girls walked away with still not a single cavity.  The poor little boy however had 8!  The kids don't eat many sweets, hardly ever (only on special occasions) drink a soft drink, and their brushing habits couldn't be better.  Turns out Jack-jack inherited the teeth that are just more susceptible.  And the places where the cavities were a brush could never get.  Made me feel a little bit better.  Well, today was round one (of three) for getting those cavities filled.  Jack-jack did a great job.  The dentist couldn't believe how he didn't even flinch when he gave him the shots to numb where he'd be working.  It went quick.  Jack-jack got to pick out two toys (who knew the dentists give out toys for being a good patient?!?) and walked away all giggles because his mouth felt so "funny".

Here's Jack-jack trying to smile.  Doesn't work so well when your lips are numb.  He's also showing off some the new toys he got to pick out for being so good.

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