Saturday, June 29, 2013

Duck.....Duck......No Goose!

After a couple of years insisting we "need to" get ducks, Jack-jack finally got his ducks.

I do have to admit they are pretty cute.

The plan was to keep a couple for pets and butcher the rest for eats.  Jack-jack thought we should keep 2 (a male and a female).  When he opened the box they were in, he thought maybe we should keep 4.......then maybe 6.  He goes out there to check on them throughout the days.  He makes sure the temperature is just right.  He also makes sure they have plenty of food and water.  I think becoming a little attatched.  

I am hoping all ducks fly south for the winter.  That way we won't have to worry about how many to keep/not keep.  If they don't fly south.....we might end up having 15 little pets and NONE for eating.


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