Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Great Birthday!

Even before lunch time I had a couple of great deliveries and wishes for a happy day.

Sister Sara stopped by with a yummy "birthday" smoothie, hot chocolate for the kids, and a coffee for the hubby.  She also delivered a really sweet bouquet of flowers.  Thank you, Sara!!!  It was an AWESOME treat!

I also have to share one of the best presents ever!!!  Awhile ago my mom and I started making quilt blocks out of the kids' baby clothes with the idea to make each of them a quilt.  We had enough blocks to make one for each of the girls (we didn't start Jack-jack's yet, but in time I want to make one for him and my big project.....a quilt for myself and hubby with squares from all three of the kid's clothes).  We had the front of the girls' quilts put together and over the summer it got packed away and forgotten about (well....I sort of had forgotten about it).  I guess mom didn't (forget).  This morning she came with a present all wrapped from her and dad.  Here when I opened it up were the two quilts she had quilted (a lady she knew) and finished (she did the finishing). I absolutely LOVE them!!!  They are definitely one of the greatest presents ever!!!  It's a tough call--between the quilts and a the diamond I got 14 years ago from this "boy" I'd eventually call my hubby ;).  Maybe we'll have to call it a tie!?!

I took pictures of the quilts to share, but it doesn't do them justice.  They really are super special!  Thank you Mom and Dad!

Tonight a fancy dinner.  Crab legs and Salmon.  Cheesecake for dessert.  
33.  It's not so bad :)!
It has been a great birthday!

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