Saturday, March 5, 2011

Racine/Kenosha Area Adventure

Today we had a family adventure to the Racine/Kenosha area.

Last month were were notified that Hannah took first place (for 6th grade) in the Knights of Columbus knowledge test given at the area schools.  She took first place both in math and in spelling.  Only one test could be taken so (based on results) she was assigned to take the spelling test.  Today we ventured down to St. Lucy's in Racine for her to take that test.  If she places in the top three she will move on to the state level.  We didn't stick around to find out the results.  They will notify us if she'll be moving on.

This morning we packed up the car and made it a family adventure.  

First we checked out the local Jelly Belly Distribution Center.  We got to ride a little train around the warehouse and a little tour on the history and hows.  The most fun was the gift shop at the end.  We got to sample the flavors, but couldn't (didn't care to!!!) touch the skunk, barf, baby wipes, or pencil shaving flavors (which by the way really do exist--YUCK!!!) and buy little goodies.  Who knew a free tour could end up costing $33??? 

After our Jelly Belly tour we checked out a couple of the local museums.

The kids got a kick out of exhibits (the exhibits were really well put together).  They also got a kick out of looking at Lake Michigan through a telescope.  The wind was really strong so the water was really rough.

Jack-jack was super excited to find that there wasn't only a Mammoth to check out at the main museum, but there was a dinosaur museum just right up the road.  Of course we had to check that out, too.

We ended our day with a treat out to dinner.  Applebees.  YUMMY!!

A very fun day!

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