Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Baby Chicks Hatch From Walnuts?

So we have this poor confused hen that found a crate of walnuts we had sitting by the side door of our house.  One day in May she decided she was going to sit on those walnuts and try to hatch them.  That poor chicken sat and sat and sat.  I started feeling really sorry for that poor hen.  Finally, I had the idea of putting a few eggs under her to actually make her efforts worth her while.  Today Cheyenne came in screaming all excited to tell us there was one little baby chick peeping in the walnut basket.  A little while later....there were two little baby chicks peeping in the walnut basket.  We are still waiting on the third.  So our poor confused hen became a mama chicken today.  Very exciting!


 Baby chicks one day old.  Video of mama trying to teach her babies how to eat/peck at a tomato.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Countryside Stroll

A perfect ending to an absolutely beautiful day.

I couldn't resist taking (and sharing) the pictures of what I got to see on my walk around our country block (3.2 miles) tonight.  It was a gorgeous day and the evening just the same.  I don't think it can get much better than this!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Family Adventure 2011

Our family adventure began on Saturday morning when we packed up the car and headed north to Kennan Wisconsin for a Krell family reunion.

 Jack was happy to see his family.  His parents recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.  Here is Jack with his parents, his brother Bill, his sister Ronda, his brother Rick, and his other brother John.  His sister Lauri didn't make it to the reunion.

Sunday morning we made our way to Bayfield Wisconsin where we boarded the ferry that took us to Madeline Island.  We spent two nights on Madeline Island experiencing the "island way of life".  Definitely different.  Definitely a lot of fun!

The weather was very cold for the days spent on Madeline Island.  The high was about 50 degrees.  

Monday we spent our day at Big Bay State Park.  The views and atmosphere of Lake Superior were spectacular!

Tuesday morning we headed to the mainland early.  Storms were in the forecast for the area and it was posted that the ferries would not run on their usual schedule if weather doesn't allow.  It was cold and wet when we boarded.

On our way home we took our time and made stops along the way.  The rain was off and on, but timing seemed to work in our favor.  We decided to stop and hike the trails and check out some waterfalls at Copper Falls State Park.  I was totally impressed!

Another stop along the way was a covered bridge.
And some lunch.
Tonight we are all snuggled in our own beds.  Our adventure and time together was great.  Many memories were made.  I am already working our next adventure!


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Brewery Tour

Looking for something fun to do we packed up and made our way to tour Sprecher Brewery only to find that the tours didn't start for another two and a half hours.  Instead of waiting we decided to get ourselves a case of goodies and find something else to do.  Going with the brewery tour idea we made our way to the Miller Brewery.  We found it to be quite interesting and something fun to do for an afternoon.  I think hubby got a kick out of it--I mean he is the one sitting at work while his wife takes the kids on a tour of the local brewery?!?  Ah well.  It was an "educational" adventure!




Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Second Day Of Summer Vacation

Today is the kids' second day of summer vacation.  They are enjoying their time at home.  I am, too!  For the most part there really hasn't been a whole lot of fighting and everyone seems to be getting along quite well.  Then again, it is only the second day.

It was a beautiful day.  For the most it was spent outside in play.  The kids' imaginations are huge.  I don't know where they come up with some of the things they do.  But then again, they are half Jack.  They make me laugh so many times throughout the day.  I love it and thank them for it!  But at times.....I do wonder, at what point should I begin to worry?

Tonight was a baseball night for both Cheyenne and Hannah.

Cheyenne played in Hartford.  This was her first game playing since she hurt her ankle.  She got to play 1st base, 2nd base, catcher, and right center.  Jack and Jack-jack went to cheer on Chey and her team, but they couldn't pull out a win.  They lost with a final score of 12 to 6.  We'll have to try again next Tuesday!

Hannah played at home tonight.  This is her first year playing for Rubicon.  This was her teams first game of the season.  They didn't look too bad out there!  Hannah pitched 2 innings.  Had a couple of strike outs and good plays as pitcher.  Also played 1st and short stop.  Rubicon pulled out a win with a final score of 23 to 8.  A good game.  Very fun to watch.  Thursday night in Oconomowoc.  Go Rubicon!

You Go, Girls!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

After a late night campfire and company last night,  it was nice to have they day (today) to recoop.  Hannah had to serve at the 10:45 mass this morning, but after that and a couple of errands we had the day to ourselves.

Hubby worked on fence, I putzed in the garden, and the kids were in and out entertaining themselves.  

The fence Jack is working on is for the little pigs we'll be getting at the end of this month.  They have a nice couple of acres to roam, but snow and weeds really destroy the low wires from one year to the next.  It just needs a good overhaul to be sure it has a good zap before we bring the feisty little ones into the pasture (they have never seen and electric fence before they come here).  Pigs are quick!  They can get away in a blink of an eye.  Catching them is a job none of us like doing.  No matter how tired that pig is when you are chasing and trying to catch them, they'll make sure you are ten times more (tired)!

The garden is a sad sight!  The weather has been sooooo unpredictable, but more cold than anything.  We'll  have 4 days over 90 degrees--hot and humid!  Then the following day back to 55 degrees.  Crazy!  Needless to say, or garden is behind.

We have radishes that are ready and...
some lettuce that is just about.

We also have three rows of beets that are looking pretty good, but that is pretty much it.  Today I decided to put the rest of the plants in.  We'll have to wait and see what happens!

As for the kids, they kept themselves busy playing both inside and out.    They know not to say they are "bored" or "don't have anything to do" when Jack and I have things that we are working on--especially something that might not look very "fun".  They know we have no problem helping them find something (to do) to keep them busy.

It was a very productive day.  It made for an enjoyable evening to come in, kick off our shoes, unwind, sit back, relax, enjoy the things we got done and the pleasant night ahead.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Enjoying Our Saturday

Today was nice just to spend at home.  We kept busy by mowing the lawn (always a job) and other odds and end sort of things that get neglected during the week. 

It has been cold, damp, and cloudy all day.  We looked for the sun, but couldn't find it anywhere.  Jack-jack did find a really neat looking moth, though.
For supper tonight we are making pork steaks on the grill and potatoes on the campfire.  Cheyenne is helping.  She said it was nice and cozy sitting by the fire.
Waiting for her Godfather John and his friend to come and play.  They are coming out for diner and a visit.  The kids can't wait!  John gets the kids soooooo wound up when he is here.  It's great!  They love it.  Obviously he enjoys it.  And for us all, it is always a great time!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Last Day Of School

We have been counting down the days until school was out for the summer.  Today was our last day!  Yeah!!!

The last day of school is always bitter sweet, but definitely something we anxiously await.  I do have to admit that this year (for some reason) was a little bit more emotional for me than usual.  Maybe it because the teachers they had this year were exceptional--above and beyond what I could've ever asked for.  Truly godsends!  Maybe the reason is having to realize that another milestone for them has been made.  Maybe it's the realization of how quickly the year (years) have gone by.  Whatever it may be.............summer vacation is here!

Chey's last day of 4th grade.  She was very "teary" to leave her class and teacher behind.


Last day of 6th grade for Hannah.  Excited and looking forward to 7th grade.
Jack-jack says he'll miss his teacher and the kids from his class.  But very excited for it to be summer!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Capitol, Chickens, Clams, and Mussels.

Today Cheyenne had her last fourth grade field trip to the Capitol in Madison.  It was hot and humid.  Cheyenne was still on crutches and not getting around too well without them, so her teacher had the idea of taking a wheelchair along for her to use.  It worked out great (for the one not pushing Cheyenne)--allowing her to be able to participate.  Thank you for making this a possibility and all the extra work that went along with it!

Cheyenne's fourth grade class.  Cheyenne is the first from the left.  Wearing a pink tank top.

This morning Auntie Pam and I ventured to Beaver Dam, did some shopping, and picked up our baby chicks.  Pam and Al are becoming quite the little farmers expanding their flock to 36.  We have a total of 60 or so.  Some for eating and some for laying eggs.

Tonight for supper we had our clams and mussels which we have been wanting to eat since last week Friday but things got busy and never had the time to make them.  Tonight we decided was going to be the night.  Not as good as in chowder.  Not nearly as good as the squid.  But still fun to try.


Monday, June 6, 2011

Early Morning Rainbow


This morning I saw a rainbow as I was tending to the animals.  I never saw that before.  Especially being before the rain.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Birthday Celebration

Yesterday we celebrated Cheyenne's tenth birthday by having a party with some family and friends.  It is her fourth day with a swollen ankle and being on crutches.  A total bummer when you can't even run, play, or walk when people are here to celebrate you.

Note the birthday candles.  I mean what kind of mother forgets to buy candles for a birthday cake.....on a birthday?!?  I had to dig and dig, but did find a "9" and two "1's" in the bottom of a box.  We put the "9" on the cake, made a plus sign on a "1", and stuck in the other "1".  "9+1=10" right?
Horses of course for decorations par Chey's request.
S'more time.

Needless to say there was no dancing on tables, but with a good dinner, some cake, presents, followed by a campfire, it still was a nice party.  

Chey, if I could switch places with you I would.  Hang in there and keep your spirits up!

We all love you a bunch!

All in all, I hope you had a good day!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Little Jack's Presentation

For the end of first grade the kids have been working on an animal research project.  When their research is complete they were asked to do a presentation for the class on what they have learned.

Jack chose the armadillo to research.  He also made a little diorama to represent the armadillo's habitat.

Today was his day to do his presentation for the class.  I was helping out in the classroom and was able to be there to watch.  Jack (a.k.a. Dad) was able to come to see it, too.

You did a great job Jack-jack!
Dad and I are very proud of you!