Friday, June 10, 2011

Last Day Of School

We have been counting down the days until school was out for the summer.  Today was our last day!  Yeah!!!

The last day of school is always bitter sweet, but definitely something we anxiously await.  I do have to admit that this year (for some reason) was a little bit more emotional for me than usual.  Maybe it because the teachers they had this year were exceptional--above and beyond what I could've ever asked for.  Truly godsends!  Maybe the reason is having to realize that another milestone for them has been made.  Maybe it's the realization of how quickly the year (years) have gone by.  Whatever it may be.............summer vacation is here!

Chey's last day of 4th grade.  She was very "teary" to leave her class and teacher behind.


Last day of 6th grade for Hannah.  Excited and looking forward to 7th grade.
Jack-jack says he'll miss his teacher and the kids from his class.  But very excited for it to be summer!

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