Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Birthday Celebration

Yesterday we celebrated Cheyenne's tenth birthday by having a party with some family and friends.  It is her fourth day with a swollen ankle and being on crutches.  A total bummer when you can't even run, play, or walk when people are here to celebrate you.

Note the birthday candles.  I mean what kind of mother forgets to buy candles for a birthday cake.....on a birthday?!?  I had to dig and dig, but did find a "9" and two "1's" in the bottom of a box.  We put the "9" on the cake, made a plus sign on a "1", and stuck in the other "1".  "9+1=10" right?
Horses of course for decorations par Chey's request.
S'more time.

Needless to say there was no dancing on tables, but with a good dinner, some cake, presents, followed by a campfire, it still was a nice party.  

Chey, if I could switch places with you I would.  Hang in there and keep your spirits up!

We all love you a bunch!

All in all, I hope you had a good day!

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