Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Band Concert

Tonight was Hannah's third band concert of the year.

I told her I needed a picture so I would have something to post.  Here is a picture.  Turns out she gave me a little funny to write about, too.  During the concert the kids had to stand up and take a little bow.  As they were sitting back down, Hannah's chair fell off of the risers.  Luckily Hannah was able to catch herself and only lost her instrument.  On the way back to the band room (after the concert) someone asked Hannah if she saw that kid almost fall off of the risers.  Hannah just laughed and told her, "That was me!".  That's our girl! 


Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Fun Weekend!

This weekend we had some fun things to do.

Friday night Cheyenne had a sleepover with some friends.  The rest of us went to the TAG Center in Mayville and did a little swimming.  Hannah had a couple of friends along with her, so we didn't see them until it was time to go home.  It is getting to the point where hanging out with your parents is not as much fun as hanging out with your friends.  Instead, we are simply a means of transportation.

The little guy could've swam and played all night.   We haven't been swimming at the TAG since last year.  You could say we missed it!

Saturday was the most fun!

A niece of ours plays volleyball for Winona State.  They had a tournament at Marquette.  The girls and I went to watch them play.  Little Jack was not interested, so he stayed back and played with one of his cousins who also was in town for the weekend (great timing!). 

Watching girls at the college level was very exciting!  

Jacey, our niece, #7
An AWESOME setter!

It was an all day full of volleyball.  It was great!  We met up with Jack's brother John, his wife Jen, and John Jr. (family that lives in the northern part of the state) who also came to watch Jacey play.   We don't get to see them much, so just hanging out made it a really nice day. 

Being in Milwaukee the girls got to experience a little bit of the "big" city.  I guess you know you don't get out much when parking meters are a new experience.  Who knew one could get such a kick out of paying to park the car?!?

After Jacey was done playing, we went to eat at Fridays at Miller Park.  Like I said, I guess you can say we don't get out much.  This was the first time we were ever down at the ball park (the new one anyway!).  By that time Jack was able to join us and we got to have dinner together.

Thank you John, Jen, John Jr., and Jacey for a GREAT day!

Good luck in Texas, Jacey! 

As for today, Sunday, everyone is just happy to be at home and able to "chill out".  

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Remember when........

your mom dressed you funny and sent you to school?

Now I'm the mom.  I get to dress my kids funny and send them to school.

Good thing they enjoy it!

 St. Patrick's Day

Hannah 12 years old, Cheyenne 9 years old, and Jack-jack 7 years old.

Never A Good Sign

It is never a good sign when two plumbing trucks and a trailer back up to your house.

Turns out they have to pull the pump in the well and fix some piping along with replacing the pressure tank.  Total damages = $2500.00


Monday, March 14, 2011

Knights of Columbus Award.

Tonight Hannah got a $25 cash reward for her first place in the Nights of Columbus knowledge test.  There were 12 kids total (from the area) that received awards.
Way to go!!!
Hannah is third from left (back row-wearing pink sweatshirt).

Basketball Is Finally Over!

Basketball games have been over for some time.  Last night there was a banquet for the kids.  Basketball is officially over with.  

Here the kids are getting their pins for their letters and certificate for this years participation.
(Hannah is the tallest one in line with the brown t-shirt).
 A good 6th grade year, Hannah!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Little Bit Of Sowing.

It's a start!
Today we planted some of our seeds.

We planted some Cauliflower, Broccoli, Mixed Peppers, and some Beefsteak Tomatoes.
Hopefully everything will sprout, grow, and be ready for planting when garden time comes.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Great Birthday!

Even before lunch time I had a couple of great deliveries and wishes for a happy day.

Sister Sara stopped by with a yummy "birthday" smoothie, hot chocolate for the kids, and a coffee for the hubby.  She also delivered a really sweet bouquet of flowers.  Thank you, Sara!!!  It was an AWESOME treat!

I also have to share one of the best presents ever!!!  Awhile ago my mom and I started making quilt blocks out of the kids' baby clothes with the idea to make each of them a quilt.  We had enough blocks to make one for each of the girls (we didn't start Jack-jack's yet, but in time I want to make one for him and my big project.....a quilt for myself and hubby with squares from all three of the kid's clothes).  We had the front of the girls' quilts put together and over the summer it got packed away and forgotten about (well....I sort of had forgotten about it).  I guess mom didn't (forget).  This morning she came with a present all wrapped from her and dad.  Here when I opened it up were the two quilts she had quilted (a lady she knew) and finished (she did the finishing). I absolutely LOVE them!!!  They are definitely one of the greatest presents ever!!!  It's a tough call--between the quilts and a the diamond I got 14 years ago from this "boy" I'd eventually call my hubby ;).  Maybe we'll have to call it a tie!?!

I took pictures of the quilts to share, but it doesn't do them justice.  They really are super special!  Thank you Mom and Dad!

Tonight a fancy dinner.  Crab legs and Salmon.  Cheesecake for dessert.  
33.  It's not so bad :)!
It has been a great birthday!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Enough With The Snow Already!

Today is Ash Wednesday, so the kids and I went to church this morning.  Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent.  Lent, besides the celebration of the church, also means Spring.  Really???  Funny to think that on a snowy day like today.   

I guess they did say it was supposed to snow, but was still surprised to see how much.  Was even more surprised to see how really slippery the roads were.  Hubby found this out, first hand, on the way to work.

He had a close encounter with a telephone pole this morning.  Luckily for him it wasn't too far from Mom and Dad's (Mike & Gale's).  They were able to pull him out of the ditch so he could continue on his merry way.  Thanks Dad!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Down For The Count.

And that's what happens when you talk about something and forget to "knock on wood"!

Last week I was just talking about how lucky we were to avoid being sick this winter.  Especially with all of the "stuff" going around in the schools.  I was saying how we usually are ones to "never" get sick.  Of course it is when you talk like that that someone proves you to be a liar.

Poor Chey is hanging out on the couch and not feeling well tonight.
(don't worry, I did approve this message and picture with Cheyenne before posting it)
Hopefully the worst of it is over and she'll be feeling better before morning.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Racine/Kenosha Area Adventure

Today we had a family adventure to the Racine/Kenosha area.

Last month were were notified that Hannah took first place (for 6th grade) in the Knights of Columbus knowledge test given at the area schools.  She took first place both in math and in spelling.  Only one test could be taken so (based on results) she was assigned to take the spelling test.  Today we ventured down to St. Lucy's in Racine for her to take that test.  If she places in the top three she will move on to the state level.  We didn't stick around to find out the results.  They will notify us if she'll be moving on.

This morning we packed up the car and made it a family adventure.  

First we checked out the local Jelly Belly Distribution Center.  We got to ride a little train around the warehouse and a little tour on the history and hows.  The most fun was the gift shop at the end.  We got to sample the flavors, but couldn't (didn't care to!!!) touch the skunk, barf, baby wipes, or pencil shaving flavors (which by the way really do exist--YUCK!!!) and buy little goodies.  Who knew a free tour could end up costing $33??? 

After our Jelly Belly tour we checked out a couple of the local museums.

The kids got a kick out of exhibits (the exhibits were really well put together).  They also got a kick out of looking at Lake Michigan through a telescope.  The wind was really strong so the water was really rough.

Jack-jack was super excited to find that there wasn't only a Mammoth to check out at the main museum, but there was a dinosaur museum just right up the road.  Of course we had to check that out, too.

We ended our day with a treat out to dinner.  Applebees.  YUMMY!!

A very fun day!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Dr. Suess!

Today the elementary school kids celebrate Dr. Suess's birthday.  This morning Chey decided she wanted to dress up as "Thing 1".  Following that theme, Jack decided he was going to be "Thing 2".  That carried on into Hannah dressing up as "Thing 3".  Now for Chey and Jack the kids at their school will understand--they'll fit right in.  As for Hannah at the middle school.......we just laugh.  She knows she'll get some looks, but she thought she would have some fun, too!
"If you never did you should.  These things are fun and fun is good."
-Dr. Suess-


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Chey's A Winner!

Today Rossman School had their once a month all school assembly.  At the assembly they pick a name from each grade levels for free swim passes to the Recreation Center.  Today Cheyenne was a winner!

 Chey accepting her tickets.
(she's the tallest one of the kids, in a red sweatshirt, way to the left)