Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Enough With The Snow Already!

Today is Ash Wednesday, so the kids and I went to church this morning.  Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent.  Lent, besides the celebration of the church, also means Spring.  Really???  Funny to think that on a snowy day like today.   

I guess they did say it was supposed to snow, but was still surprised to see how much.  Was even more surprised to see how really slippery the roads were.  Hubby found this out, first hand, on the way to work.

He had a close encounter with a telephone pole this morning.  Luckily for him it wasn't too far from Mom and Dad's (Mike & Gale's).  They were able to pull him out of the ditch so he could continue on his merry way.  Thanks Dad!

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