Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Fun Weekend!

This weekend we had some fun things to do.

Friday night Cheyenne had a sleepover with some friends.  The rest of us went to the TAG Center in Mayville and did a little swimming.  Hannah had a couple of friends along with her, so we didn't see them until it was time to go home.  It is getting to the point where hanging out with your parents is not as much fun as hanging out with your friends.  Instead, we are simply a means of transportation.

The little guy could've swam and played all night.   We haven't been swimming at the TAG since last year.  You could say we missed it!

Saturday was the most fun!

A niece of ours plays volleyball for Winona State.  They had a tournament at Marquette.  The girls and I went to watch them play.  Little Jack was not interested, so he stayed back and played with one of his cousins who also was in town for the weekend (great timing!). 

Watching girls at the college level was very exciting!  

Jacey, our niece, #7
An AWESOME setter!

It was an all day full of volleyball.  It was great!  We met up with Jack's brother John, his wife Jen, and John Jr. (family that lives in the northern part of the state) who also came to watch Jacey play.   We don't get to see them much, so just hanging out made it a really nice day. 

Being in Milwaukee the girls got to experience a little bit of the "big" city.  I guess you know you don't get out much when parking meters are a new experience.  Who knew one could get such a kick out of paying to park the car?!?

After Jacey was done playing, we went to eat at Fridays at Miller Park.  Like I said, I guess you can say we don't get out much.  This was the first time we were ever down at the ball park (the new one anyway!).  By that time Jack was able to join us and we got to have dinner together.

Thank you John, Jen, John Jr., and Jacey for a GREAT day!

Good luck in Texas, Jacey! 

As for today, Sunday, everyone is just happy to be at home and able to "chill out".  

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