Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

Nothing says "love" like spending quality family time picking stones.

Chey showing her stone.

The newlyweds.

Hannah getting hungry.  I don't know about this girl sometimes.


Grandma with the grandkids.


We have a contest to see who can find the biggest rock.  Jack-jack always on a mission to be sure he finds it.  He came in second place with this find.


All done.  Time for a cook out at Great Grandma's.

Work before play.  We did make sure to take time and have some fun, too!

A little bit of baseball practice. Jack-jack at bat.

Chey's turn taking a swing.


3 kids on the bridge.


Me and our little monkeys.


A family picture to wrap up the night.  A Happy Mother's Day it was!


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