Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sportin' Some New Dos

Tonight Auntie Sara took Hannah and Cheyenne to get their haircuts.  Each of them will be donating their pigtails to the Pantene Beautiful Lengths program.  Panten Beautiful Lengths is a program that makes and donates wigs to cancer patients.  The girls like the idea of helping someone in need.  They also like the idea of sportin' a new look.  You girls are beautiful!  Way to go!

The girls hair before.

Time for the cut.  Sara and Hannah take the scissors in hand.  I love Chey's face in this picture!

Chey's pigtails.

Now it's Hannah's turn in the chair.  This time Sara and Chey take hold of the scissors.

Hannah's pigtails.

The girls showing off some of their donations along with their new dos.

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