Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Cheyenne!

Today our little Chey turns 10 years old.
Happy Birthday! 

The celebrating started early with going for breakfast to the Perc Place With Auntie Sara before school.

Of course we have to take birthday treats for the class.  The treat of choice were parfaits.

After school Cheyenne had baseball practice.
Only with the Krells' can the poor little birthday girl finish baseball practice getting x-rays and waiting for a phone call to see if her ankle is broken (or not).

Needless to say, Cheyenne's special birthday dinner was a little bit delayed.

A birthday just isn't a birthday without singing and cake of course!
So after all of the commotion....

we had our cake!

Definitely not the best birthday ever, but definitely one we'll remember!

We love you Chey!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

We enjoyed our Memorial Day weekend.  Not necessarily "enjoyed" it in a way as some might have, but "enjoyed" the extra time of not having anywhere we had to be or anywhere we had to go.  We found plenty to do to keep ourselves busy.

Saturday we helped pick stones out at the farm.

Sunday we painted the chicken coop which desperately needed to be done.  When it started to rain we had time for a cookout.

Monday we had more stones to pick, but this time the crew was smaller so each of the kids got their turn to drive the tractor.  They were excited about that.

For lunch we had a picnic at the park.  It was hot.  The thermometer read 90 degrees.  The first really warm day we've had.  The kids had fun cooling off by playing in the creek.

Tomorrow it is back to school.  Some of us needed to finish up our homework and work on projects.

Only 8 and a half days of school left before summer vacation begins!

We are counting down the days!

Friday, May 27, 2011

A New Dinner Adventure

Tonight in the Krell kitchen a new dinner experience both for cooking and eating.  On the menu.......squid.  Something none of us ever had before.  

Jack-jack excited about the squid.  Definitely tasted much better than it looked!

Along with the squid we had scallops in buttered noodles with lemon and garlic served with spinach salads.  The kids loved it and are excited for next Friday night.  They requested mussels and clams.  Something else new for them.  Never cooked those before either, so it will be something new for us, too!  I can't wait!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Spring Concert

Tonight Hannah had her last choir and band concerts for 6th grade.  It was really nice.  The kids sounded (and looked) great!  Can definitely tell how they improved since the beginning of the year.

 The 6th grade choir.
Hannah is on the top row, third one in from the right.

The 6th grade band.
Hannah is of course in a spot where we only can see here when the director isn't directing.
She is sitting where his right elbow is pointing (can barely see).

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I quickly learned why little goats are called "kids".  I wonder when "kids" officially become "goats".  We've had these goats for four years and they still haven't outgrown the "kid" stage.  I am assuming they never will either.

I am amazed by how much trouble these goats can find and get themselves into on a daily basis.  I am even more amazed as to how (human) kid like they really can be.  Especially when caught in action and the "Oh gosh, did I do that?  I didn't mean to.  I am so sorry." reactions they use trying to maintain their innocence.  Innocence?!?  I laugh!

Funny goat story to share:

Yesterday early evening we were all playing outside.  I did see the goat laying on the sidewalk by the basement window.  Later I didn't see the goat, but could hear it "whining and neighing".  I couldn't figure out why, but didn't really think much of it.  I came into the house to get something and could hear the goat even making more of a fuss.  I decided maybe I should go and see what all the fuss was about.  I looked and looked, but couldn't see the goat anywhere.  I could hear it.....I just couldn't see it.  I was so puzzled.  The closer to the house I got the louder the noise was.  Following the the sound I came into the house through the side door instead of the front door we usually use.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw the goat, in the basement, standing on top of our freezer, waiting for someone to come and help.  For the life of me I couldn't figure out why the goat was on the freezer.  More importantly I couldn't figure out how it even got there.  As I helped the goat down I looked up and saw.  While the goat was laying on the sidewalk by the window it must have leaned a little too far back and fell right in!  Goat and freezer are fine.  We just need a new window!   

Only at the Krell house!   

Monday, May 23, 2011

Trimming The Apple Trees

We started trimming trees around the place awhile ago.  We are finally on to the apple trees.  Usually this is done before the blossoms bloom, but just as we are with everything else......a little behind.  As to whether or not they will survive, that is a whole other question.  I am just happy it is getting done.

Shhhhhhhh!  We're hiding.  Can you find us?


Christmas Mountain

This past weekend we had an enjoyable time in Wisconsin Dells.  We stayed at the Christmas Mountain Resort.  It was a nice little get-a-way.  We had a lot of fun.  Some of us stayed out a little later than others and had a little bit of trouble getting up in the morning ;).  Some played a little golf, celebrated a cousin's birthday, did a little swimming, and then made our way home on Sunday.  I forgot to take the camera so we didn't get any pictures of our adventure, but Jack (hubby) says that's all right......what happens at Christmas Mountain is supposed to stay at Christmas Mountain.  Guess that tells you who had a little trouble getting up in the morning ;).

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Eggstra Large

Each morning I collect the eggs from the nests in the chicken coop.  Lately, the hens have been laying exceptionally well.  There is one chicken in particular that has been working extra hard.  I mean the size of her eggs are almost twice the size of the others.  I am not sure which chicken it is laying this monstrous egg, but if I did....she sure would be rewarded!


Friday, May 13, 2011

Crazy Hair Day For Hannah

Today it was crazy hair day at the middle school.  Hannah was still laughing when she got home about how a couple of her friends told her to either "walk faster or let them go ahead of her" because they didn't want to be seen with her.  You know me....proud enough to take a picture! 

Chef Jack

Jack has always been a great cook.  I would not call him a food artist (the way things look sometimes????), but whatever he cooks or grills it always seems to taste delicious.  I don't know how he does it!?!  This chicken (of course our own homegrown!) was by far the BEST and prettiest he has ever cooked!!!  Being proud of my hubby I had to show it off! 
Needless to say, supper was FANTASTIC! 
Way to go, Jack!

Ye Olde School

Yesterday I got to go on a field trip with Cheyenne and her class.  We traveled back in time and visited the Ye Olde School house in West Bend.  We had a fun day experiencing what a day of school was like in 1917.  A special visitor (94 years young) came to share some of her stories and things she remembered with the class.  It was great!

Class in session.

Cheyenne reciting an essay for the class.

Experiencing different kinds of punishments for misbehavior.  Cheyenne has her braids taped to the blackboard.

Cheyenne's fourth grade class.  Our little pioneer child is first on the left (red dress, apron , and bonnet).

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Solos and Ensembles

Tonight Hannah had Solos and Ensembles at the middle school.

Hannah did one vocal solo in which she got a second on.  She did a French Horn solo in which she got a first place on.  She also was a part of the 6th grade jazz band which also got a first.  Most importantly she had fun and learned something from the experience.  It was a very successful night.  We are so proud of you, Hannah!

Hannah 6th grade Central Middle School

Hannah's French Horn solo 6th grade Central Middle School

6th Grade Jazz Band performance Central Middle School.  Hannah is sitting right under director's hand.


Monday, May 9, 2011

The Sun Is Shining Again!

It has to be a record!  The sun is out for more than one consecutive day.  Showers are in the forecast for later on (and a few other days this week), but for right now it is shining!

Because the sun is shining and off to a good start, laundry will be priority.  It's a job that never really does seem to have an end.  I do love the fact that when the weather is nice I am able to air dry everything!  In the times of hanging out our laundry to dry (rather than just throwing it in the dryer) I can cut our electric bill by at least one third.  

As I was hanging out the laundry this morning I got to thinking about routines and for some reason the Little House On The Prairie books came to mind.  They are my absolute all time favorite!  I loved to read the "My First......." versions to the kids when they were little(r).  In The Long Winter was the little saying for the work to each of their days.

Funny how times have changed.  I can't imagine doing a whole day's worth of laundry by hand on a washboard.  Of course you would have to make the soap, fetch, and warm the water first.  How many of our kids actually know what ironing, mending, and churning are?  I myself do not iron (unless there is a special occasion), sew, or mend.  As for the churning of the butter, I do go on a "kick" every now and again when the cows are eating grass.  I do modernize the process though.  I use the blender for the "churning" part.  It only takes a few minutes--not all day.  I love the thought of that era, but I do also love the thought of the modern conveniences we are lucky enough to have!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Very Happy Mother's Day!

 With an ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL day in the forecast, how can you not have a happy day?

 The sun is very welcomed!

I am, yet again, one of the most spoiled moms I know!

Cheyenne and Jack-jack made the cutest little crafts in school--all wrapped with their heart and so eager and proud to give.

Cheyenne's little potted picture craft.

Jack-jack's stepping stone.
Thank you to the teachers for doing something so special with the kids!

This morning, Jack and the kids had more surprises.

It may not be your typical Mother's Day gifts. Some mothers might even be offended.
But these (for me) are extra special!
I have been wanting (and asking for) this griddle for about three years.
Totally surprised me with that one!
And the blender......I just recently asked for that, too.
 Like I said, "I am one of the most spoiled moms I know"!
Thank you Jack, Hannah, Cheyenne, and Jack-jack!
I love you!

I hope this day is happy for all of you, too!
Happy Mother's Day!

Even got everyone to cooperate for a family photo.


Friday, May 6, 2011

Let's Play Ball!

This week was Chey's first baseball practice.  Jack-jack got an e-mail and his first practice will be next week.  Hannah's to follow shortly.  So far between the schedules it looks as though we will be playing ball every night of the week (between the three of them).  Good thing we like baseball!