Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

We enjoyed our Memorial Day weekend.  Not necessarily "enjoyed" it in a way as some might have, but "enjoyed" the extra time of not having anywhere we had to be or anywhere we had to go.  We found plenty to do to keep ourselves busy.

Saturday we helped pick stones out at the farm.

Sunday we painted the chicken coop which desperately needed to be done.  When it started to rain we had time for a cookout.

Monday we had more stones to pick, but this time the crew was smaller so each of the kids got their turn to drive the tractor.  They were excited about that.

For lunch we had a picnic at the park.  It was hot.  The thermometer read 90 degrees.  The first really warm day we've had.  The kids had fun cooling off by playing in the creek.

Tomorrow it is back to school.  Some of us needed to finish up our homework and work on projects.

Only 8 and a half days of school left before summer vacation begins!

We are counting down the days!

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